Convert Slides to Digital - Preserve Your Precious Memories
As digital cameras and computers became more and more prominent in everyday society, this tradition has slowly died.
Many thousands of these 35mm slides still remain in the homes of people and families from generations when the old slide camera was a technological marvel, able to capture moments of joy and happiness in the lives of many.
It is indeed a sad fact that many of these slides have been relegated to basements and attics, laying untouched for years and years.
The fragile slides themselves are particularly prone to decay and wear, especially after decades of scorching hot summers, cold cold winters, and exposure to vermin such as rats, mice and cockroaches.
However, people are slowly realizing that they do not wish to lose these precious memories forever.
They wish to capture the spirit of these photos forever, so that the generations after them can experience how life once was.
The ultimate way to ensure the longevity of these images is to convert the slides to digital formats so they can be viewed on a computer screen.
With advances in modern technology, it is now easy to do so at the highest quality possible.
It is very easy to convert slides to digital within the comfort of your own home.
In fact, many people choose this method as it is cheaper than a professional slide conversion service.
The only costs are the initial outlay for the slide converter and slide preparation equipment.
This can range from one hundred dollars for a basic slide converter, to several hundred dollars for a full-featured machine.
Most slide converters function in a manner similar to a computer scanner.
The slide converter is connected to your PC.
A slide is inserted into the slide converter, where it is then digitized using a CCD similar to those found in digital cameras.
The image is sent to your PC, where special software allows it to be digitally enhanced and then saved to your hard drive or burnt to a DVD.
Almost all home slide converters come bundled with software for enhancing, resizing, cropping, and touching up the scanned images.
Of course, there are varying levels of quality, with some scanners using cheaper lenses or lower-resolution CCDs, meaning that the final image many not be reproduced in all its vibrant glory.
This is one area where you certainly get what you pay for, and it pays to do it right the first time to avoid many wasted hours converting poor-quality slides.
The best quality slide conversion is obtained by using the services of a professional slide conversion company.
These companies are very experienced in this area, and are well aware of the optimal methods and techniques for preparing and converting slides.
A professional service could also be the way to go if you do not have much time, with many companies offering a mail-in, mail-out service with quick turnaround times.
Prices are very reasonable and usually range from 25-35c per slide, with free return shipping.
The final decision on how to convert slides is entirely up to you.
Some people enjoy the process of converting slides to digital formats themselves.
They choose to sit quietly in front of their PC, carefully scanning images and lovingly retouching the photos as they are loaded into the computer.
Often, viewing the slides this way can help rekindle fond memories of times past.
Other people are time-poor, and do not mind paying the small fee to have their slides converted professionally and at the highest quality possible.
They find that mail-in services are convenient and speedy, allowing them to spend more time enjoying the finished product with close family and friends.
The most important thing is not how you choose to convert your slides - it's when.
Convert your slides to digital today, before they become too old and worn - by then it could be too late.