DUI Auto Insurance - Don"t Drink and Drive!
Driving under the influence in the USA is a serious offense which carries dire consequences on your DUI auto insurance.
It is therefore very wise to reconsider that thought of driving a car even after a 'small' drink.
Getting auto insurance after a DUI offense can be very difficult.
Keep in mind that conviction of the offense could also mean arrest.
On finding out about your offense (and it is not possible to hide as most states require the offender to get an S-R22 form from their insurers), the first thing that could happen is that your auto insurance policy maybe canceled outright.
If your insurance company retains you, then your premiums rates will be raised and you are listed as a 'high-risk' driver.
In the event of a cancellation, you now have to look for another insurer who would willing to take you on.
Chances are that they will be some of the less-famed companies, but be sure they will still give you auto insurance at higher rates.
You will go to the added expense of hiring an experienced DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) lawyer to handle your case in court.
He or she may help minimize the effects of your conviction, but the impact on your auto insurance record and on your driver's record will stay with you for a long time.
The court could even suspend your driver's license for quite a while.
Did you know that your conviction can also affect the premiums on your life insurance? According to drunk driving statistics, an alcohol-related fatality takes place every half-hour in the US.
Don't kill yourself and endanger the lives of others.
And stay on the right side of your DUI auto insurance.
Don't drink and drive !
It is therefore very wise to reconsider that thought of driving a car even after a 'small' drink.
Getting auto insurance after a DUI offense can be very difficult.
Keep in mind that conviction of the offense could also mean arrest.
On finding out about your offense (and it is not possible to hide as most states require the offender to get an S-R22 form from their insurers), the first thing that could happen is that your auto insurance policy maybe canceled outright.
If your insurance company retains you, then your premiums rates will be raised and you are listed as a 'high-risk' driver.
In the event of a cancellation, you now have to look for another insurer who would willing to take you on.
Chances are that they will be some of the less-famed companies, but be sure they will still give you auto insurance at higher rates.
You will go to the added expense of hiring an experienced DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) lawyer to handle your case in court.
He or she may help minimize the effects of your conviction, but the impact on your auto insurance record and on your driver's record will stay with you for a long time.
The court could even suspend your driver's license for quite a while.
Did you know that your conviction can also affect the premiums on your life insurance? According to drunk driving statistics, an alcohol-related fatality takes place every half-hour in the US.
Don't kill yourself and endanger the lives of others.
And stay on the right side of your DUI auto insurance.
Don't drink and drive !