Metatarsal Foot Pain - Arch Supports Can Help Your Little Piggies Make It To The Market
When metatarsal foot pain (or, pain in your toes) strikes, it can seriously affect the way you live your life.
Even a simple trip to the store can cause excruciating pain with every step.
Why? Each metatarsal is comprised of three bones shaped both concave as well as slightly convex in order to allow the range of motion necessary to walk, run and jump.
When these get damaged due to injury or simply anatomical variations, your feet become unbalanced and pain can raise its ugly head.
Bet You Can't Do This...
Try to wiggle just your third toe.
You can't, can you? This is because the base of each of the metatarsal bones works with one or more of the other tarsal bones.
This means that when one of your toes is out of alignment, it could be pulling the rest of your toes out of alignment with it.
The second and third metatarsal joints do not move when you walk and are the most common toes to be injured.
Common injuries include fractures or "march fractures.
" This name derives from military recruits sporting this trauma after long marches, although these fractures are also common with runners, joggers and other athletes.
Just Because It Isn't "Broke" Doesn't Mean You Shouldn't "Fix" It.
While serious injuries such as breaks are painful and require immediate attention, it is also very important to tend to the needs of your feet before such occurrences disrupt your life.
A good set of custom fit arch supports can give your feet the stability, balance and weight distribution needed to prevent foot pain.
Metatarsal Foot Pain From Hammertoes Hammertoes can be seen when toes contract and rise up in an effort to grip the ground while walking because of a lack of balance from the other metatarsal toes.
Custom fit arch supports can be purchased for this specific problem.
The arch support includes an extra lift at the metatarsal site, giving the gripping toes a chance to relax.
The good news is, a good quality set of arch supports that are personally fit to you feet can offer relief from metatarsal foot pain, and its co-conspirators - hammertoes, plantar fasciitis and others,Be sure to insist on getting your arch supports custom fit.
Improperly fitted arch supports can damage your feet instead of help them.
Even a simple trip to the store can cause excruciating pain with every step.
Why? Each metatarsal is comprised of three bones shaped both concave as well as slightly convex in order to allow the range of motion necessary to walk, run and jump.
When these get damaged due to injury or simply anatomical variations, your feet become unbalanced and pain can raise its ugly head.
Bet You Can't Do This...
Try to wiggle just your third toe.
You can't, can you? This is because the base of each of the metatarsal bones works with one or more of the other tarsal bones.
This means that when one of your toes is out of alignment, it could be pulling the rest of your toes out of alignment with it.
The second and third metatarsal joints do not move when you walk and are the most common toes to be injured.
Common injuries include fractures or "march fractures.
" This name derives from military recruits sporting this trauma after long marches, although these fractures are also common with runners, joggers and other athletes.
Just Because It Isn't "Broke" Doesn't Mean You Shouldn't "Fix" It.
While serious injuries such as breaks are painful and require immediate attention, it is also very important to tend to the needs of your feet before such occurrences disrupt your life.
A good set of custom fit arch supports can give your feet the stability, balance and weight distribution needed to prevent foot pain.
Metatarsal Foot Pain From Hammertoes Hammertoes can be seen when toes contract and rise up in an effort to grip the ground while walking because of a lack of balance from the other metatarsal toes.
Custom fit arch supports can be purchased for this specific problem.
The arch support includes an extra lift at the metatarsal site, giving the gripping toes a chance to relax.
The good news is, a good quality set of arch supports that are personally fit to you feet can offer relief from metatarsal foot pain, and its co-conspirators - hammertoes, plantar fasciitis and others,Be sure to insist on getting your arch supports custom fit.
Improperly fitted arch supports can damage your feet instead of help them.