Wedding Ceremony Candle
In Toronto, there are elaborate plans that are formulated and exercised, as the bride and groom plan for their big day.
The significance of this simple procedure is so huge that all parties go out of their way to make it a highlight of the whole occasion.
Important issues surrounding this candle lighting session revolve when it is done how it is done and the preparations made for it as the nuptial day beckons.
Preparations for the Lighting of the Unity Candle on Wedding Ceremony Lighting of the unity candle on wedding ceremony as part of tradition, a good number of nuptials in Toronto regardless of the religious affiliation are planned several months or even years before they take place.
Since all aspects are carefully considered, the candle lighting bit is hardly ignored due to its symbolic value.
Preparations for this event include the choice of the nature, size and color of the windows.
Although white is usually preferred for its association with purity and peace, the bride and groom are normally at liberty to choose a color that fits in with the day's and ceremony's theme.
Another crucial bit is the kind of candle stand to be used in the process.
The design and color of such a stand should also be carefully chosen to complement other aspects of the marriage ceremony.
Finally the position of the stand holding the candle should be done in a manner that lends the procedure the kind of prominence that it deserves.
When to Light the Unity Candle The perfect timing of lighting the unity candle on wedding ceremony is usually uniform in Toronto.
Most ministers officiating at the function will insist on having this exercise just after the bride and the groom have exchanged their vows.
It is felt that during this period is when the unity is likely to have the most impact.
As this is a universal wedding practice not just in Toronto but in many Christian marriage ceremonies across the world, following of the preferred procedure is normally vital with the timing expected to be followed as well.
The Procedure of Lighting of the Unity Candle on Wedding Ceremony In Toronto weddings, the minister will ask both the bride and groom, to move next to the candle stand.
If the couple's desire is to have a unity candle talk before the lighting then he or she will give a brief explanation on the origin and significance of the lighting of the unity candle on wedding ceremony the this is usually given before the actual lighting.
The celebrant is expected to explain that the two small candles symbolize the individual lives of the groom and the bride.
The big candle on the other hand represents the married life that the couple will be starting as they take their vows.
By putting off their two candles the tow are saying goodbye to their separate lives and by lighting the big candle are embarking on a common journey.