Cross Browser issues in PSD to HTML conversion
Cross Browser issue began in 1990s between Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer as well as with that of JavaScript and JScript . In those periods Netscape Navigator was the most wildly used web browser. Internet explorer 1.0 was released in late 1990 and in following few years several versions of the internet explorer and Netscape Navigator was also released by adding several features
There were very highly competition among the browser vendors and they added new features to browsers without coordinating between vendors. This caused the browser issues, frequent crashes of web pages at the client side, some security issues
W3C (worldwide web Consortium) was founded in 1994 to set up standards for Word Wide Web. In 1997 they developed standard called ECMAScript for browser language. JavaScript was based on that ECMAScript. After that W3C implemented standard for Document Object Model (DOM). They introduced standard called DOM Level 0, DOM Level 1, DOM Level 2, and DOM Level 3. You can find these standards in latest browsers
How Browser work?
Each browser has software component called Layout Engine. It takes web contents (HTML,XML,Images etc) as input and they are formatted with CSS to produces screen display
Firefox, Camino, SeaMonkey, Thunderbird, K-Meloeon have Gecko layout engine which open source
Konqueror has KHTML layout engine developed by the KDE project. Distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
Opera, Nintendo Browser have Presto layout engine
Microsoft Outlook, Internet Explorer, MSN have Trident layout engine. It was first introduced with the release of Internet Explorer version 4.0 in October 1997; it has been steadily upgraded and remains in use today
How do you make cross browser compatible HTML from PSD file?
This is the challenge which you face as the web developer. You have to make HTML which can be seen in major browsers. First you should have select browsers and versions that you going to make HTML. There is not hard and fast rules to make cross browser compatible HTML. This is totally depend on the level of experience you have acquired in your PSD to HTML conversion jobs is a psd to html conversion company which provide markup services to customers all over the work. They work with graphics designers, web developers, web designers and programmers. They have expert knowledge of providing cross browser compatible HTML from your PSD files