Weekend Travel Ideas
- Take a tripPolka Dot/Polka Dot/Getty Images
The promise of a weekend of travel hangs in the air like a Bahama breeze and the ideas of what to do are endless. But once you begin to calculate realistic factors like your budget and time restrictions, soon your list of "things to do" begin to shrink. The world isn't getting smaller, though. With a trusty map of resources linked with your imagination, you can still enjoy a range of travel opportunities in or around the U.S. - Nothing beats a new change of scenery. Escape out of the city with romantic weekend get-away to Tampa, Florida. You can jog next to the coast, sip down a cool smoothie and watch the sunset.
- Take a tour of architectural and historical tour in Chicago, Illinois. Visit Frank Loyd Wright's designed buildings. Explore Ernest Hemingway's home and museum on his life. Visit the Willis Tower, formerly known as the Sears Tower, soaring at 110 stories high.
- Watch a glittering Cirque du Soleil show or musicals from Broadway in Las Vegas, Nevada. Experience a bright nightlife dancing at clubs or just walk the Strip with a Margarita in hand, gulping in the lit scenery. Take a dare and gamble or shop 'till you drop at the extravagant shopping areas.
- It's a little out of the U.S., but if you want to stretch your wallet and time limitations -- but dive into a whole new culture -- fly to Jamaica. Stay at the Pebbles Resort and take the Maroon Village Tour back into the past, when slavery was abolished. There's nothing like the music festivals, too. Jam to the reggae here in this island getaway.