How Back Pain Keeps You Awake

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Insomnia back pain solutions are few and far between apart from a hefty dose of painkillers before bed and maybe a hot bath.
However, if you're interested in how back pain keeps you awake and what you can do about it in a 100% natural fashion then read this article all the way through to the end.
Specifically in this article I'll be discussing how pain is a wake up call either from your body or your mind to take notice of something in your life that needs attention and what you can do to override the wake up call temporarily so that you can get some much needed sleep! That's basically why back pain keeps you awake it's to get your attention.
You just need to learn to fool your brain into shutting off the alarm system for eight hours or so.
It is also worth remembering that the back pain could be signalling that there is something wrong elsewhere in the body or in the mind it doesn't always mean there is something wrong in the back, however in the case of pain it is advisable to seek the opinion of a medically qualified person.
The alarm system in the body for pain revolves around pain signals sent by the nerves to motor neurons in the brain.
These can come from all over the extensive autonomic nervous system which is hardwired in our bodies.
These pain signals sent by the nervous system 'trip' the switches in our minds to alert us and it's these that make us stay awake.
Basically, by staying awake the brain is trying to help us by seeking a cure or a resolution to the problem(s) at hand.
A vicious cycle of back pain and sleeplessness can easily start when this internal alarm system is chronically activated and life can easily become a downward spiral of sleepless nights and sleep deprived days.
Back pain, like most pain is often unpredictable and undesirable and it can often worsen at night as the stresses and strains of the day catch up on the mind.
However, the good news is that you do have a mind that CAN override the pain alarm signals your body is sending out so that you can grab some well needed rest.
The best things in life, like a good nights sleep, are free and so is the back pain solution to this exhausting dilemma.
So next time you're desperately tired at night, trying to get off to sleep, just remember two points.
1) Stop trying so hard to get to sleep! It's because you are trying too hard to get to sleep that blissful sleep is eluding you.
If you stop trying too hard, that is, stop forcing yourself to sleep then all will be well.
In a nutshell, give yourself permission to fall asleep as and when you are able to do so for as long as you are able to.
Do this night after night and your body should soon relax into a natural sleep pattern, despite the pain.
Take the pressure off yourself, you're under enough pressure as it is, that's why you can't sleep.
2) Then learn to let go of your resistance to sleep, I can hear you say, 'but I'm not resisting sleep at all, in fact I'm desperate to fall asleep' yes, this may be the case consciously but unconsciously your brain and body are resisting the urge to switch off and sleep.
Why should the brain shut down conscious thought in such a crisis situation when the alarm bells are ringing in your back? The trick is to let your brain know that it CAN switch off (and sleep) despite the alarm bells ringing.
How you do this is simple.
Just say to yourself, 'I let go of my resistance to sleeping' and repeat this in your mind over and over again for five minutes or more and feel your inner resistance to sleep melting away i.
the unconscious resistance to sleep built up by the minds 'pain panic' during the day.
This technique also helps the mind to stop the mental overdrive function it's engaged in.
The more you do this night after night, the more neural pathways are developed in your brain to get to sleep easier, it takes six weeks for new neural pathways to establish themselves and disregard old sleeping patterns.
Soon, at will and within minutes you should happily be in the land of nod!
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