Swine Flu Disease 2009 - ProtectYourself From This Influenza Illness
You may well have a lot of questions and queries about "Swine Flu".
Should you and your family be concerned about the current pandemic of this dreaded illness - or at least as its incidence and mortality is portrayed daily in the media.
First of all "What is Swine Flu?" Human swine influenzaa.
a "Human Swine Flu" is a form of influenza or the "flu" which usually affects pigs themselves but can sometimes make people ill as well.
Some severe cases of this "new" form of influenza have recently come to light and reported in the country of Mexico.
Next in line is the query as to what precautions both you , your family , friends, co-workers of fellow students can take as to prevent yourselves from becoming ill or coming down with this malady ? The general precautions that can be taken are first of all that if you do cough - use a tissue, cover your mouth and nose.
Take care to wash your hands often with soap and water especially if you cough or sneeze.
It has been found in the medical and pharmaceutical professions that alcohol based cleaners are particularly effective in these cases in preventing the occurrence of as well as spread of the disease.
In addition in the prevention and basic treatment of most diseases and their progress and well as eventual recovery from your grandmother could have well told you to eat well, make healthy food choices, be physically active and fit and get adequate rest and regular sound sleep? Keep regular and proper hours.
If you do think that you have, have acquired or in the process of coming down with this current almost trendy influenza disorder what should you do? As with any flu like illness, if you do develop symptoms of a respiratory infection it is best to take the following steps and precautions.
First of all don't spread the influenza viruses unnecessarily or infect others with the affliction.
It is always better to make the choice or choices to stay at home, away from school of work than take the chance of spreading the infection unnecessarily to others.
This way you will reduce the chances of spread of the ailment in your community overall.
In addition you can reduce the spread of germs by avoiding touching your eyes, nose or mouth and by washing your hands frequently and regularly.
You may well be concerned about protecting your children.
Overall children should take the same general and specific precautions as adults, when it comes to washing their hands regularly and covering their noses and mouths when coughing.
Young children may need help with hand washing.
There is nothing wrong with that.
Children with flu like symptoms should stay home from school, just as a precaution as with adults who fear that they have contracted the malady, whether it is to take a break from school or day care depending on their enrollment and age.
To avoid the spread of germs, routinely clean surfaces in areas where children do play.
Lastly you may be concerned all in all that since the disease is called "Swine Flu" , are the pig livestock stock themselves infected and is it safe overall to eat pork.
Be reassured that if you cook the pork meat thoroughly then all is safe.
There have been no reports at all, and in any manner, of people becoming ill through contaminated food.
Viruses (including flu viruses and specifically the swine flu virus in this case), are easily killed by heat.
Just ensure that any pork meats that you or your family ingests are thoroughly cooked, with clear juices and no visible juices.
The rule of thumb is that pork should be cooked to an internal temperature of 71 degrees Celsius which works out to 160 degrees Fahrenheit.
Protect yourself, your friends and family from this year's pandemic - "Swine Flu".