What Is the Nutritional Value of Tomatoes?
- Vitamin K is quite prevalent in tomatoes and has an impact on healthy, strong bones. In fact, the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University suggests that Vitamin K helps ward off osteoporosis if taken early and on a regular basis. (See Resource).
- Tomatoes are rich with vitamin C, an immune boosting power house. Vitamin C is noted for helping to fight off colds and illnesses as well as shortening down time if you do catch something.
- Lycopene's cancer fighting attributes make tomatoes high on the must-eat list, as it helps to protect healthy cells from abnormal development and damage from free radicals. Certain age-related vision issues and cataracts are combated with lycopene as well. Lycopene is occasionally used as a cleanser to detoxify the body and flush out the system, which may be why tomatoes seem to help promote healthful liver function and reduce symptoms of jaundice and other liver diseases.
- Lycopene also fights against heart disease, as does the niacin and potassium found in the tomatoes. Vitamin B6 and folic acid convert homocysteine, which have been linked to heart attacks, into healthy cells in the body, according to CookingNook.com.
- The niacin in tomatoes helps to lower cholesterol, as does the fiber, which also helps to regulate blood sugar levels. Naturally, you should consult with your physician when trying to lower your cholesterol, as they will be able to make a diet and exercise plan that fits your health history.
- Tomatoes tend to reduce the affects of morning sickness when pregnant and can even help with nausea and indigestion for both men and women, according to iLoveIndia.com. Because of its low caloric values, tomatoes are touted as s superfood in diets and nutrition guides. Be mindful that tomatoes do possess a fair amount of sugar, despite its health benefits.