Rights and responsibilities of a citizen of the United States
What does citizenship imply to US citizens?
US Citizenship is defined as the legal status of membership of an individual in the country.US Citizens enjoy the right to live and work in the country without any fear as they cannot be deported at any point of time. Citizenship is a two way process as the Government expects certain duties and responsibilities from the citizens in turn for the rights and privileges bestowed upon them.
Rights of US citizens
The following rights are enjoyed by the US citizens.
- Right to live and work – Even permanent residents have this right, but the basic difference lies in the freedom from deportation that is solely enjoyed by a US citizen.
- Right to enter and leave the country – US citizens enjoy the freedom of moving in out of the US freely. This is enjoyed by the permanent residents also.
- Right to Vote – This is a highly privileged right that is reserved only for the US citizens. One important thing to be note here is that the states can bar US citizens from casting their votes if they have committed any serious felony, even if they have completed their sentence. Also voting is not compulsory as in countries like Austria and Belgium where failing to vote will cost the citizens a penalty.
- Right to stand for public office – The US constitution requires all members of its House of Representatives to have been US citizen for seven years, all senators to have been citizens for nine years, before assuming office. For the presidential candidate, only a natural born US citizen who has been a US resident for 24 yrs is eligible.
Responsibilities of US citizens
- Pay the taxes promptly including for the income that is earned while residing abroad.
- Travel in and out of the US on a US passport regardless of any other nationality which they may possess.
- Al male US citizens should compulsorily register with the Selective Service System at 18 yrs
- By taking the oath of citizenship, the US citizens swear that when required by law, they will bear arms on behalf of the US and perform non- combatant service.
- Certain US citizens have the obligation to serve in the jury if they become legally qualified and get selected.
Benefits enjoyed by the US citizens
The citizens get to enjoy the protection of the US consulate if they are out of the US. When a citizen is travelling abroad and detained by foreign authorities, they can request the US embassy in that country to protect and assist them. Essential and important social services like Medicare and social security are available only to the US citizens. Additionally, they get to sponsor their relatives who are living abroad.