HPV Remedies
- You have several options to treat your genital warts, and your doctor can determine the most appropriate treatments for you.
Certain creams can destroy the wart tissue and help the immune system fight off the virus. They include Aldara and Condylox.
A chemical treatment like trichloroacetic acid or electrocautery, which employs an electrical current, can burn the warts off.
Other options include cryotherapy, which used liquid nitrogen to freeze the wart, surgical removal and laser surgery.
If you have high-grade pre-malignant lesions, you will definitely need to have them removed because they are more likely to develop into cancerous tumors. In these cases, your doctor will use remove them either surgically, with laser surgery or with cryotherapy. - Warts on the hands and feet can be addressed with home treatments like salicylic acid solutions that are readily available in supermarkets and drugstores. You might seek out medical treatment is the warts are severe or in the case of warts on the feet, are causing pain. You have several options available to you and your doctor will usually start with the least painful or invasive method.
Certain medications can help get rid of these types of warts. Canthardin, which comes from the blister beetle, is applied topically to the wart and covered with a bandage. It forms a blister which helps raise the wart off the skin so your doctor can remove it. Retinoids, which are derivatives of vitamin A, can alter the growth of skin cells in the wart. They are available as an oral medication or a cream. - According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, certain natural supplements contain antiviral properties that can help destroy the HPV infection while others help stimulate your immune system. You should consult with an experienced health care professional about using natural supplements. Since certain supplements offer similar benefits, it is not necessary to take all of them.
The following supplements can strengthen your immune system. Omega-3 fatty acids: take one to two capsules of fish oil or one tbsp. twice a day. Discuss this treatment with your doctor if you are on blood-thinning medication, including aspirin. Coenzyme Q10 and probiotic are also good for the immune system. Take 100-200 mg of Q10 before bed, and use the probiotics as directed.
The following supplements contain antiviral agents. Take grapefruit seed extract in a daily 100 mg capsule or use five to 10 drops of the extract in the beverage of your choice. Cat's claw, reishi mushroom and olive leaf are three herbs well-known for their antiviral properties; take 20 mg three times a day, 150 to 300 mg three times a day and 250 to 500 mg three times a day respectively.