Hair Transplant Surgery in India for Recovering Hair Loss

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The demand for cheap and efficient healthcare is drawing medical tourists from western countries to India for hair transplant surgery. Here, surgical procedures are charged at a mere fraction of the price for the same surgeries in the USA, making it much easier for uninsured families to manage expensive medical bills. It is one of the most touted destinations in the world for medical tourists. Recently in India the rise has seen in cosmetic surgery because the costs has dropped by up to 75%, making world class treatments affordable for everyone and patient also get to enjoy a free holiday as well.  More and more people are considering India for hair transplant surgery.

What is hair transplant surgery?

Hair transplantation is an operation that takes hair from the back of the head and moves it to the area of hair loss. The fringe (back and sides) of hair on a balding scalp is known as donor dominant hair, which is the hair that will continue to grow throughout the life of most men. The transplantation of this hair to a bald area does not change its ability to grow. Donor dominance is the scientific basis for the success of hair transplantation

Procedure of hair transplant surgery

Hair transplantation involves removing small pieces of hair bearing scalp grafts from a donor site and relocating them to a bald or thinning area. Grafts differ by size and shape. Round-shaped punch grafts usually contain about 10-15 hairs. The much smaller mini-graft contains about two to four hairs; and the micro-graft, one to two hairs. Slit grafts, which are inserted into slits created in the scalp, contain about four to10 hairs each; strip grafts are long and thin and contain 30-40 hairs. Generally, several surgical sessions may be needed to achieve satisfactory fullness-and a healing interval of several months is usually recommended between each session. It may take up to two years before patient see the final result with a full transplant series. The amount of coverage needed is partly dependent upon the color and texture of patient's hair. Coarse, gray or light-colored hair affords better coverage than fine, dark-colored hair. The number of large plugs transplanted in the first session varies with each individual, but the average is about 50. For mini-grafts or micro-grafts, the number can be up to 700 per session.

Cost of hair transplant surgery

Patient can now afford the look patient have always dreamt about, as cosmetic surgery costs have tumbled. In India low cosmetic surgery costs are combined with surgery on par with anywhere in the world and this is one of the fastest areas of growth in medical tourism. You can combine a relaxing break, away from the pressures of daily life, with a stay in one of the overseas cosmetic surgery clinics which are now attracting patients from the UK. The country has a talent pool of qualified cosmetic surgeons, a lot of whom have been trained in the US and UK, in specialized areas of cosmetic surgery. With the recent development of the healthcare infrastructure, the best of facilities and equipment are also available with these surgeons. This coupled with the extremely low cost of the surgeries makes India the ideal destination for your cosmetic surgery needs. Hair transplant surgery in India is done in complete privacy.

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