Debt Settlement And Credit Repair - How The Debt Manager May Be Able To Help You!
This can be best achieved through the services of a debt manager.
So what is this debt settlement everyone talks about? This is the process of contacting your creditors and asking them the lowest amount they are willing to charge you in case you agree to repay the entire debt amount to them.
Remember that most of your debt is interest accrued and late fees for late payments.
The company mostly waives these charges and agrees to a flat amount you might pay them to be debt free once again.
One individual came into a large amount of cash and contacted the credit card company and informed them that he was in a position to repay the card bill.
However, he was not in a position to repay the whole amount but would pay a substantial amount if they agreed to close the account and give him a full and final receipt for the card account.
Now, the actual bill was over $9000 and this included a large amount in interest alone.
The credit card company agreed to waive most of the interest and charge the client just $6000 to settle the debt.
The client agreed and the made the payment and the company closed the account.
This is typical case of debt settlement.
Not all credit companies will agree to arrange for a debt settlement, this is why you need the services of a debt manager.
These are individuals who are trained to manage bad debt and can negotiate with the creditors quite effectively.
The creditors know that they are negotiating with a seasoned professional who can give you the best advice possible including ways that can mane the bad debt linger on forever.
They soon see the light and agree to the negotiation of a debt settlement.
Now, the catch is that the debt manager will take a chunk of the cash you save, so before you begin it is a good time to agree to a flat fee with the debt consultant.
Settling your bad debt is a good way to begin repair work on your credit ratings with the three credit bureaus.
Once your bad debts are settled with the creditors you should go about working on settling your credit history.
One good way is to get in touch you're your medical company and research any program that assists people in financial difficulty sue to an illness not covered by insurance of in the case of you not having an insurance policy.
Once you convince them of your financial disability they may agree to a settlement.
This settlement goes a long way in repairing bad credit ratings.
You should try your best to keep your credit rating in good shape.
This rating is what help you will secure a loan when you need it most.
A bad rating will only cause a hindrance to your loan application.