I Just Dont Get It?
So you ask, what is it that I dont get if I am well informed? What I dont get is with the facts that are readily available about Barack Obamas record, why are people voting for this man? I just dont get it. He does not have a good record at all in his current position, as well as the political positions he previously held. The facts are there. Let me give you some examples. Keep in mind that all of these facts can easily be found on-line, and even on the federal governments own websites.
Example 1: When George Bush took office Jan 20, 2001, the national debt was $5.728 trillion. When he left office on Jan 20, 2009, the national debt was $10.627 trillion, adding $4.899 trillion dollars to the national debt in 8 years. As of this writing, Oct 31, 2012, the national debt is $16.220 trillion. Obama added $5.593 trillion dollars to the national debt in less than 4 years. That means he added almost $700 billion dollars more to the debt in less than 4 years than Bush did in 8 years. And keep in mind, most of the Bush years we were involved in two wars, whereas, Obama had only one war during his last year since we got out of Iraq. And what is ironic is that Obama had the audacity to criticize Bush by saying that adding the $4 trillion over 4 years by using the credit card from the Bank of China was irresponsible and unpatriotic. He has no room to talk. He spent more than Bush in less than 4 years than Bush did in 8.
Example 2: Obama has wasted billions of taxpayer dollars by investing in companies that contributed to his campaign. For example, Solyndra, $535 million; Energy 1, $118.5 million; Beacon Power, $43 million; Abound Solar, $400 million; First Solar, $1.4 billion; Spectra Watt, $475 million; Sun Power, $1.5 billion; Solar Trust, $2.1 billion, and many, many more. All of these companies have gone bankrupt and the American people will not be able to get their money back. Plus, thousands of people have lost their jobs with these companies. And then he has the audacity to say Mitt Romney does not know how to create jobs. Mitt Romney was a founder of Bain Capital that invested private money, not taxpayer money, in many companies that created hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of jobs. These companies include AMC Entertainment, Burger King, Burlington Coat Factory, Clear Channel Communication, Dominos Pizza, Dunkin Donuts, Guitar Center, Sports Authority, Staples, Toys R Us, Warner Music, and many more. You may have heard of some of these companies.
Example 3: Obamas energy policies have not worked and have really hurt the nation. Gas prices have more than doubled since he has been in office, from $1.71 to $3.91 per gallon. He has stopped oil exploration of several coasts, and his administration has cut in half the number of permits issued for land-based oil exploration on federally-controlled land. He claims that production is higher, which is correct, but on private land that he has no control over. He also claims less oil is being exported these days, and again, he is correct, but that is not due to his policies, but because people are driving less due to high fuel prices. He has also implemented regulations that have shut down many coal plants. And even more will be shut down in the future. His coal policies are going to cause our power bills to skyrocket. He even said it himself. In 2008 he said If someone wants to build a coal-powered plan, they can, it's just that it will bankrupt them....under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket. Dont forget, if our power bills skyrocket, so will the power bills of companies all over the US causing prices to go up on everything. You can already see this in the stores. Prices are up due to high gas prices. Remember, it takes fuel to get products to all the stores. In addition, dont forget that Obama killed the Keystone Pipeline project that would have brought jobs and cheap oil into the US from Canada. Because of Obama, Canada is now offering that oil to China.
I can go on and on and list many examples where Obamas policies have cost taxpayers trillions of dollars, hundreds of thousands of jobs, and have really hurt Americas position in the world - Such as causing our nations credit rating to be downgraded without lifting a finger to try to prevent it. Another thing that gets me is that all of the time he has been in office he has blamed others for his failings, especially former President Bush. So let me give you something to chew on.
The democrats took over the House of Representatives and the Senate on January 3, 2007, to include then Senator Obama, two years before President Bushs term was over. This was the first time they controlled both chambers in Congress since 1995. At the time the democrats took over Congress in 2007, the unemployment rate was 4.6%, The Dow Jones was at $12,621, and the GDP was 3.5% for the previous quarter. President Bush had a record of 52 months of job growth.
When the democrats took over Congress in 2007, do you remember who took over the House Financial Services Committee and the Senate Banking Committee 15 months before the meltdown of the economy? Answer: Democrats Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. Do you remember what caused the economic meltdown? Answer: Banking, financial services, and $6 trillion of toxic loans from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Bush tried to get Congress many times to get a handle on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. But Congress would not listen. There are videos on the Internet of Barney Frank saying that Fannie & Freddie are sound. Google it!
Again, I can go on and on about what the democratically controlled Congress did during President Bushs last two years to cause what Obama keeps blaming he inherited. But keep in mind, He was in the US Senate then so what he inherited, he inherited from himself and the democratically controlled Congress. He has no room to blame President Bush.
I have only written about a very tiny portion of facts that can easily be found on the Internet. I could easily write a 1000+ page essay on this, but I dont have that much time. You can see why I say that I just dont get it why people are supporting Obama. I didnt see it in 2008 when he was elected. When he first ran, I was trying to figure out what qualified him to be President. He had absolutely no executive experience. He never ran a company or even a branch in a company. He never ran a state, county, city, or even an office in a city government. He hadnt even run a lemonade stand. So what made him qualified to run the country? Prior to being elected, he was in the US Senate only for about 170 days before starting to run for office. Prior to the US Senate, he was in the Illinois State Senate for a couple of terms where he voted present for most pieces of legislation. He couldnt even decide to vote a yes or no. In the US and Illinois State Senates, he doesnt have his name on one piece of important legislation. Prior to that, he was a community organizer.
If you were in charge of finding a new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for a company, one of the most important things you would do, would be to make sure that the person you found was qualified. For example, the new CEO would have vast experience in running other companies and/or other entities. A president is like a CEO of a company. A president is the CEO for the country. So you want to make sure the person elected is qualified.
So, again I say, I dont get it. Why are people voting for him? Comparing Obamas qualifications to Romneys, there is no comparison. Romney founded and ran a company for 25 years; Romney was a governor of a state. Romney ran the Olympics. Romney has balanced budgets; Obama has never had one passed. Even every democrat in his democratic controlled Senate would not vote for it. He is the first president to never have a passed budget. Again I say, I just dont get it.