How to Install a Fastener
- 1). Place one of the flat, round disc pieces of the fastener on the first side of the fabric. Make a line inside each of the two vertical holes on either end of the disc. These lines will indicate where you need to cut into the fabric. Repeat the same process with the other side of the fabric to be fastened.
- 2). Pierce the fabric with the point of a seam ripper at each of the marked lines. Gently rip the fabric along the lines, but no further than the markings or the holes will be too wide.
- 3). Place the thicker, receiving side of the fastener against the right side of the fabric. The stems on the back of the fastener piece should slide right into the two ripped lines on the fabric. You will be able to see the stems from the wrong side of the fabric, while the concave side of the fastener is facing out from the right side.
- 4). Slip one of the flat discs over the stems on the back of the fabric until the disc is flush against the wrong side of the fabric. Press each of the stems out and down until they are pushed firmly onto the disc. Use pliers to squeeze each of the stems downs and to secure the female half of the snap onto the fabric.
- 5). Insert the thinner, convex side of the fastener over the second set of ripped lines and push the stems through. Place a disc on the back of this piece, and fold the stems down to secure the clasp and complete the fastener installation.