Sexual Position to Determine Baby Gender - How is That Possible?
Can we really determine or select the gender of our choice? A lot of couples want to choose their own baby gender but they just don't know how to proceed.
Today, I want to share with you a method which is proven to be effective to help you to select your own baby gender.
How to make a baby boy To produce a baby boy, what a couple should do is to have their sexual intercourse on the very first day of ovulation.
During ejaculation, the man must deposit his sperms as close as possible to the egg.
In other word, use a deep penetration.
The male sperms, also known as the sprinter will use their speed to reach the egg ahead of the female sperms.
The best sexual position that you may try is the typical missionary position.
The woman should elevate both legs as close as possible to her breasts.
This will allow the vagina to be shorter so that the journey of the male sperms will be shorter as well.
This will increase the chance for you to conceive a boy.
For your information, a male sperm can only live up to 24 hours in a woman's body.
How to make a baby girl To produce a baby girl, the best time to have a sexual intercourse is between 3 to 4 days before ovulation.
The reason is mainly because the female sperms can live in a woman's body up to 72 hours.
And as I said earlier, since the male sperms can only live around 24 hours in a woman's body, definitely the female sperms will win the race as there will be no more male sperms around to compete with.
I always recommend the rear penetration method (doggy style).
In this position, the vagina will be stretched longer.
This will give an advantage to the female sperms (the marathon runner) to take their sweet time to reach the egg.
The male sperms will be dead before they have the chance to fertilize the egg and again your chance to conceive a girl will be higher.
Today, I want to share with you a method which is proven to be effective to help you to select your own baby gender.
How to make a baby boy To produce a baby boy, what a couple should do is to have their sexual intercourse on the very first day of ovulation.
During ejaculation, the man must deposit his sperms as close as possible to the egg.
In other word, use a deep penetration.
The male sperms, also known as the sprinter will use their speed to reach the egg ahead of the female sperms.
The best sexual position that you may try is the typical missionary position.
The woman should elevate both legs as close as possible to her breasts.
This will allow the vagina to be shorter so that the journey of the male sperms will be shorter as well.
This will increase the chance for you to conceive a boy.
For your information, a male sperm can only live up to 24 hours in a woman's body.
How to make a baby girl To produce a baby girl, the best time to have a sexual intercourse is between 3 to 4 days before ovulation.
The reason is mainly because the female sperms can live in a woman's body up to 72 hours.
And as I said earlier, since the male sperms can only live around 24 hours in a woman's body, definitely the female sperms will win the race as there will be no more male sperms around to compete with.
I always recommend the rear penetration method (doggy style).
In this position, the vagina will be stretched longer.
This will give an advantage to the female sperms (the marathon runner) to take their sweet time to reach the egg.
The male sperms will be dead before they have the chance to fertilize the egg and again your chance to conceive a girl will be higher.