How to Be Strategic in Carpet Cleaning of Red Dye Stains
In particular, red stains are the most difficult stains to remove from any sort of carpet. One of the most difficult stains to remove are colored dye stains. Removing red stains or any other color is easier with proper stain identification.
Carpet stains come in a rainbow of color and from many sources. Rather than try and match a stain remover to a particular stain color, it's easier to match the stain remover to the cause or the type of stain. Red stains can be tough, but the good news is they aren't impossible to remove.
How to Do the Trick
The first step in red dye removal is to try a basic spotter. Get a bottle of your favorite general spotter and a white terry cloth towel. Spray the solution on the rag and dab it on the spot. Keep dabbing the spot until all of the stain is removed or until no more red dye transfers to the towel. Remember not to scrub as this could damage the carpet pile. If the spot is gone, consider yourself lucky. If it is still present resist the urge to play chemist and do not use any other products. The more you unsuccessful attempts you make at cleaning the spot, the harder it will be to remove.
At this point, if the stain is still there, you must obtain some special red dye remover. There are several different brands available. Make a trip down to your local home improvement store and purchase one of these bottles. If there is a carpet cleaning supply store in your area, then you can find better products there. Read and follow the instructions on the product that you buy. Generally, you will have to spray the spot with the special dye remover and then place a damp towel over the spot. You will then have to place an iron set over the lowest steam setting over the towel. Keep moving the iron and do not let it sit in one spot for too long. It could take a few applications to completely remove the spot. When you are done with this part, use your general spotter to clean the dye remover from the carpet.
Other Remedies
Ammonia is a non bleaching, highly alkaline cleaner that will also remove red stains from carpet. Mix 1/4 cup of ammonia with amount 2 quarts of warm water and blot it on the stain alternating with a clean dry towel to absorb the stain. It may take a while, but it will work too. Make sure to rinse the cleaning solution completely by going over it with a steam cleaner when you are finished as again the residue will attract future staining if it is not removed.
Alkaline Water
Alkaline water means that the water is not pH neutral or completely inert as it is in it's natural state. Acids and alkalies work on stains because they are not neutral and it draws the stain out of the fiber because of this.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Regular household strength hydrogen peroxide is one of the tough stain removers. It bleaches, but without damaging items like chlorine bleach does. Pour it full strength on the carpet and massage in the carpet fibers.
Hydrogen peroxide converts to plain water if exposed to natural sunlight so be sure to do this in the evening if the sunlight hits the area. You don't need to rinse it and goes to work immediately and should be much improved when the peroxide has been allowed to completely dry.
It lifted plenty of red stains off the carpet using this method. Hydrogen peroxide removes coffee stains from carpet too. It's safe for use on most carpets because it doesn't really "bleach", but test it in an inconspicuous place first.
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Auckland carpet stain removal