Appreciative the mechanism of vitiligo
Vitiligo is a skin disease that is the reason of getting dual skin coloration. The disease symptoms include appearance of white spots or patches on different skin areas. The major cause of the disease is the loss or absence of pigment cells in skin.
Depigmentation is a concept of loss of pigment cells in skin. The melanin cells are known as the coloring matter of the skin. It produces pigment cells in three different colors (yellow, black & brown).
It is observed that the amounts of pigment cells are very much present in colored skin people (the people of Asia) instead of white people. Melanin cells give the skin, eyes and hairs its natural color. These cells are specifically produce from the skin special cells known as €melanocytes' which are present in the basal layer of the skin. Sometimes due to different reasons such as heredity, dietary deficiency, immune system disorder, physical injuries, physical illness, by taking excessive amount of anti biotic, sun exposure, changing weather condition etc can affects the production capacity of melanin cells in skin and if the skin produces less melanin cells then after some time the skin cells and tissues becomes dehydrated & dull and they change their skin natural coloration.
The vitiligo affects 40 to 50 million people with the percentage of 1 to 2. The disease targets every age and race of the man & women's. Many people get involved in this disease naturally by the time of birth and many get involved in it as heredity while the rest get involved in this disease usually at the age of 35 to40 or above.
The vitiligo is not a contagious disease. Therefore it cannot spread from one person to another through touch, or by living marry with the patient and so on.
The diagnosis of the disease is so simple. A physician or any other person can easily understand that in what disease the dual skin coloration people is suffering from just because of the appearance of vitiligo white spots/ patches on it.
In the primary stage of the illness when skin gets its first vitiligo white spot(s) they are very much small in size and restricted on specific body areas (mostly appearing on those body parts that are exposed to sun rays) but after a certain time period the vitiligo white spot(s) becomes vitiligo white patch(s) that are large in size and start covering whole skin areas of the body.
Unfortunately there is no vitiligo cure yet available in the medical science but vitiligo treatment such as psychotherapy, Ayurvedic treatment, (PUVA) photo-chemotherapy, homeopathic treatment, skin transplantation, skin grafting via blistering, oral psoralen therapy, topical psoralen therapy etc are helpful source of the repigmentation in skin. These vitiligo treatments can't cure the disease but via reproducing pigment cells in skin these treatments helps patients in getting single skin tone.
Depigmentation is a concept of loss of pigment cells in skin. The melanin cells are known as the coloring matter of the skin. It produces pigment cells in three different colors (yellow, black & brown).
It is observed that the amounts of pigment cells are very much present in colored skin people (the people of Asia) instead of white people. Melanin cells give the skin, eyes and hairs its natural color. These cells are specifically produce from the skin special cells known as €melanocytes' which are present in the basal layer of the skin. Sometimes due to different reasons such as heredity, dietary deficiency, immune system disorder, physical injuries, physical illness, by taking excessive amount of anti biotic, sun exposure, changing weather condition etc can affects the production capacity of melanin cells in skin and if the skin produces less melanin cells then after some time the skin cells and tissues becomes dehydrated & dull and they change their skin natural coloration.
The vitiligo affects 40 to 50 million people with the percentage of 1 to 2. The disease targets every age and race of the man & women's. Many people get involved in this disease naturally by the time of birth and many get involved in it as heredity while the rest get involved in this disease usually at the age of 35 to40 or above.
The vitiligo is not a contagious disease. Therefore it cannot spread from one person to another through touch, or by living marry with the patient and so on.
The diagnosis of the disease is so simple. A physician or any other person can easily understand that in what disease the dual skin coloration people is suffering from just because of the appearance of vitiligo white spots/ patches on it.
In the primary stage of the illness when skin gets its first vitiligo white spot(s) they are very much small in size and restricted on specific body areas (mostly appearing on those body parts that are exposed to sun rays) but after a certain time period the vitiligo white spot(s) becomes vitiligo white patch(s) that are large in size and start covering whole skin areas of the body.
Unfortunately there is no vitiligo cure yet available in the medical science but vitiligo treatment such as psychotherapy, Ayurvedic treatment, (PUVA) photo-chemotherapy, homeopathic treatment, skin transplantation, skin grafting via blistering, oral psoralen therapy, topical psoralen therapy etc are helpful source of the repigmentation in skin. These vitiligo treatments can't cure the disease but via reproducing pigment cells in skin these treatments helps patients in getting single skin tone.