What is the Best Treatment For Resistant Depression?
Depression that is treatment resistant is depression that will not go away, no matter what efforts you have put in to treating it.
You have to understand what causes this type of depression and also know what treatments are out there to treat it.
It is true that there are thousands of people that get well with only standard treatments.
These people return to a normal life of fun and happiness.
However, there are many people for whom treatment does not work, not at all.
These people continue to live their lives with depression and feel hopeless and sad, disinterested and even suicidal.
You have been to psychologists and received counseling and treatment, but if you have not fully recovered or you have not improved you could be suffering from treatment-resistant depression.
This is also known as resistant depression or chronic depression.
It is important that you discuss with your doctor or the psychologist very openly and honestly about your problems.
If you are looking for help, leave nothing out.
Think of everything and talk about everything.
Resistant depression is defined as a continuation of the disorder despite treatment, using three or sometimes four kinds of medications.
To get an understanding of this we could say that you and your psychologist have gone through months or maybe years trying to find the proper medication for your depression and nothing worked.
This kind of depression is nothing like Dysthymia.
Dysthymia is not as severe as chronic depression, although it can last a long time.
Dysthymia is not a life-altering or disabling disorder compared to chronic depression.
Let's look at the causes of chronic depression: o The severity of the depression - if the depression is severe and the episodes last long, the chances of the depression resisting treatment will be great and ultimately it will become chronic depression.
o What you have to do - it is important that you review your history with your doctor.
Once you know how long you have suffered from the disorder and how severe it had become over the months or years, it will help with treatments.
o Wrong diagnosis - it is not simple to diagnose a disorder like depression.
In many cases bipolar is misdiagnosed as Dysthymia or other forms of depression.
The reason for this is that the manic phases of bipolar are less pronounced while depression phases are a bit more pronounced.
o What you have to do - make sure you get your condition reassessed.
Find out if any of your close blood relatives have a bipolar disorder history.
Try to get trusted friends and family members to sit down with your doctor.
They will be able to give their perspective concerning your symptoms.
Chronic depression can be treated by your doctor, if you are both up to the challenge.
However, if the symptoms continue even after treatment, it is best to get help from a psychiatrist or psychologist.
They will be able to work together in order to find the right combination of medicines and therapy that will help.
You have to understand what causes this type of depression and also know what treatments are out there to treat it.
It is true that there are thousands of people that get well with only standard treatments.
These people return to a normal life of fun and happiness.
However, there are many people for whom treatment does not work, not at all.
These people continue to live their lives with depression and feel hopeless and sad, disinterested and even suicidal.
You have been to psychologists and received counseling and treatment, but if you have not fully recovered or you have not improved you could be suffering from treatment-resistant depression.
This is also known as resistant depression or chronic depression.
It is important that you discuss with your doctor or the psychologist very openly and honestly about your problems.
If you are looking for help, leave nothing out.
Think of everything and talk about everything.
Resistant depression is defined as a continuation of the disorder despite treatment, using three or sometimes four kinds of medications.
To get an understanding of this we could say that you and your psychologist have gone through months or maybe years trying to find the proper medication for your depression and nothing worked.
This kind of depression is nothing like Dysthymia.
Dysthymia is not as severe as chronic depression, although it can last a long time.
Dysthymia is not a life-altering or disabling disorder compared to chronic depression.
Let's look at the causes of chronic depression: o The severity of the depression - if the depression is severe and the episodes last long, the chances of the depression resisting treatment will be great and ultimately it will become chronic depression.
o What you have to do - it is important that you review your history with your doctor.
Once you know how long you have suffered from the disorder and how severe it had become over the months or years, it will help with treatments.
o Wrong diagnosis - it is not simple to diagnose a disorder like depression.
In many cases bipolar is misdiagnosed as Dysthymia or other forms of depression.
The reason for this is that the manic phases of bipolar are less pronounced while depression phases are a bit more pronounced.
o What you have to do - make sure you get your condition reassessed.
Find out if any of your close blood relatives have a bipolar disorder history.
Try to get trusted friends and family members to sit down with your doctor.
They will be able to give their perspective concerning your symptoms.
Chronic depression can be treated by your doctor, if you are both up to the challenge.
However, if the symptoms continue even after treatment, it is best to get help from a psychiatrist or psychologist.
They will be able to work together in order to find the right combination of medicines and therapy that will help.