Image Optimization for Web With Compressed Pictures
In the age of information technology, web pages are aimed to be the whole sole source of the information to the visitor in the virtual world itself without even forwarding a single step into the real world. Therefore, certain images in different file formats are being pasted on the web- page so that the visitor can get comprehensive information about the content and subject of the webpage.
Once we decide to put images on our webpage, the next challenge we would have to face is that of not compromising with the quality of the image while resizing or compressing it. This is an area where most of the people get away with the idea of image resizing or compressing. It is up to certain extent true, because if you don't know how to resize your intended image either your webpage or the image would have to face the music.
Therefore, we seek a middle path that can help us out without making us compromising with either image or webpage. Well, the first step of such a middle path is that to paste a less number of pictures on the each part or page of your website. Once your webpage is encoded and written in.html format, it is recommended that maximum five (5) images should form part of each page of your website, this is a limit which the webpage can afford while making itself available for faster loading.
The next step involves choosing the best format for your webpage, it is seen and recommended to not to use bitmap files for your webpage in any case. Rather one should stick to.GIF or.JPG or.JPEG formats as they are easily afforded and bared by the web pages.
While putting these images, as a fundamental of traditional imaging, you must learn and remember to remove or delete the unwanted part of these images by way of cropping (as it stands more speedy and user friendly). Keeping this unwanted stuff in the image would increase the size of the image and accordingly, that of the webpage. Therefore, crop out the unwanted and make your webpage wanted in the virtual world.
The next step is that once you are all set to put images on your webpage with cropping and other stuff, you must be careful enough in setting up the correct resolution, height and width of the image else, the pasted image might not be easily and correctly viewed by the visitor, therefore a proper adjustment and settling accurate resolution would make your webpage more interesting.
Once you are all set with resizing, compressing the image at your web page the last thing you need to check out which server would serve you the best by making itself comfortable in loading and hosting the webpage along with the images pasted there on. Once you get a proper, suitable server or host for your webpage, you would be having the entire webpage ready to see the light of the day in the virtual world.