Why You Should be Using a Free Radon Test Kit
In some cases, you may be offered a partly free radon test kit; this means that you only purchase the kit as such, while the mailing and the laboratory analyses are free of charge. Plenty of such radon test kits are available under these conditions, as they are also included in extensive national programs of preventing lung cancer triggered by radon. Don't make the mistake of judging the features of the free radon test kit as low by considering the relationship price-quality that applies to any other product on the market. A free radon test kit is designed under close monitoring on the part of the Health Department in the government.
There are two ways radon can get inside of your house: either through soil or through water. In the first case, radon enters basements and low-ground areas through cracks and holes in the floor or in the walls. Use the free radon test kit in the basement or around the areas that have a direct contact with the ground, if there be any. This radioactive gas can also get inside of your home via spring water, but for this case, the quantity released in the atmosphere is pretty low and harmless. Authorities usually advise home owners to test their houses with the free radon test kit all year round: this means that you should perform a check every season.
Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that the report results one would get from a free radon test kit in winter could be higher than they would be in summer time; the logic explanation lies in the fact that during the warm season, people keep their doors and windows open a lot more. Sealing the cracks, checking pipe joints and reconditioning the ventilation systems are the best ways to prevent radon accumulating again. Hence, whether you choose a costly model or a free radon test kit, such a tester could save your life.