Increasing Link Popularity For Directory Owners
But with that being said, you need to know where to start this marketing strategy if you want to be a success.
For some directory owners this is a problem that they may never overcome.
Luckily, there are several things that you can do in order to increase your link popularity.
The best thing that you can do as a directory owner is to submit your site to a general and/or niche directory directory.
While that may sound like a mouth full, these sites are actually pretty easy to understand.
A directory of directories is a place where you can submit the site that you own.
This will in turn give you backlinks to your site, which as you know will go a long way in increasing search engine rankings.
Remember, the more directories that you submit your site to the better off you will be in the long run.
Another reason for submitting to these directories is that they are a great place to advertise what you have to offer.
These directories attract two different types of people.
First off, visitors who are looking for quality directories will visit these catch all sites and subsequently be taken to yours.
And better yet, other directory owners will come across your site and may purchase permanent links, feature links, or offer an exchange.
As you can see, being a directory owner is something that will keep you occupied for hours on end.
This is not the type of site that you want to build, and then let sit.
If you own a directory you can make a lot of money if you are willing to put in the time and effort.
In order to take your directory to the top of the industry you need to consider submitting it to as many larger directories as you can.
This will increase your link popularity, traffic, and hopefully your profits.