Frog Party Games
- Have party guests race against the clock while following the paper lily pad trail along a frog-themed obstacle course. Set up tasks like hopping from lily pad to lily pad while maneuvering around cones or leaping over large frog stuffed animals. You also can require kids to ride a tricycle along a lily pad-covered path or run through water obstacles like moving sprinklers or shallow kids' pools.
- Fill a large plastic tub with water, float 10 hollow plastic frogs along the surface and let 10 solid frog figurines sink to the bottom. Blindfold the player, and equip him with a small aquarium net. Give the child 10 to 30 seconds to see how many frogs he can scoop up in the net. Modify the frog contest for younger players by letting them use bare hands instead of the net and for older guests by removing half of the frogs from the tub before the game starts.
- Test the kids' vertical and horizontal jumping skills with a simple skills contest. Track the guests' long jump by letting them run and leap across the grass. Write the kids' names on frog stickers taped to small wood sticks to use as flags to mark the distance of each jump. Find out who can hop the highest by taping a tall drawing of a tree to a wall to see which child can jump and stick her frog sticker farthest up the tree.
- See how many "hopping" paper frogs party guests can step on and grab in 10 seconds. Print 20 to 30 clip-art frogs on card stock, and let them fly in a breeze created by a high-powered electric fan. Instruct the players to catch, stomp or grab the frogs and stuff them into a small gift bag. Let kids play one or two at a time to prevent collisions during this active frog party game.
- Design frog-themed games that let the kids mimic the croaking, hopping amphibians. Give guests the opportunity to pretend to be a frog: Instruct each child to leap, croak or walk just like a frog would. Award prizes such as jump ropes, frog puppets, gummy candy snakes or frog figurines in categories like "loudest croak," "silliest frog walk" and "most realistic frog jump."