Fun Questions Help You Find What You Have in Common With Other Women
When you focus on discovering what you and they have in common, this will help you in widening your circle of friends, as well as developing new, close relationships.
A good way to start is to think about your everyday life.
What your daily life consists of in general, how you prefer to spend your free time, and your basic interests and passions, are the most relevant factors in finding like-minded new friends.
If you are like most of us, you don't have a lot of free time.
Your job, school, and family responsibilities probably account for the largest portion of your everyday life.
"How do you find or make the time for the things you like to do?" is as relevant of a question to pose to other women as it is to you yourself.
When you direct this type of question to someone, it can lead to a number of benefits.
First, it can be the starting point for developing new friendships.
You will quickly see how much you and the other person have in common.
Second, the way that your new friend approaches the subject of how she manages to include fun activities in a busy schedule will also give you new ideas for how you can do that yourself.
You also want to ask fun questions to get to know someone.
If you really want to pique this person's interest, you can ask her what she thinks you have in common with her.
You may receive serious answers, but it is likely she will come up with replies that are fun, interesting, and will get your relationship off to a great start.
These days, most people have very busy lives.
While finding free time to engage in hobbies or other interests is often difficult enough in itself, talking to other women who can relate can make it much easier.
When you and they all "brainstorm" on ideas, everyone benefits.
The sharing of these ideas can go a long way in helping to solve the problem of not enough free time for fun, as well as finding new friends with whom to enjoy the activities you have in common.