Niagara Therapy
Niagara Therapy Holds Benefits for all Ages
I've always been an active, independent person so you can imagine what a shock it was to suddenly find myself unable to even walk to the loo without holding onto someone's arm. But a minor fall with big consequences left me with a broken shoulder and on an 18 month waiting list for surgery. Between the need for 24/7 pain meds and a skewed sense of balance I ran the risk of a second fall and so needed to make a few drastic and quite limiting life changes.
The name Niagara is so ubiquitous we'd be hard-pressed to find anyone born in the last sixty years who didn't know it was the brand name of a reclining chair or adjustable bed with built-in massage features. So it isn't that I didn€t know about Niagara Therapy, it's that it didn't cross my mind straight away that it would hold any benefits for me. After all, I'm barely 60 myself and aren't these chairs and beds for old people?
But on one of those especially hot Australian summer days when I'd been feeling especially sorry for myself, I happened across a Niagara Adjustable Bed ad on the internet and started reading.
Much of the pain I was experiencing was not so much from the bone fracture itself as from the swollen joints and muscles in the area of the break. The circulation was so poor my arm and hand were continually swollen and I would find my fingers and elbow tingling.
I read about how Niagara Therapy all started in a coal mine, somewhere in Canada at the beginning of the 20th century with coal miners rubbing their sore backs against this piece of machinery - the vibrations apparently providing some relief - and thought hmm... that could work for me!
I used the website to find a local rep and booked a demo.
Niagara Therapy has so helped me through this difficult time - I'm still on the waiting list for surgery but the pain meds are down to as needed and I only reach for them when I do something stupid like bang my arm against a door jamb. My sense of balance is well restored enough that I have actually walked to the local shops alone.
If you think you're too young to benefit from Niagara Therapy products, think again. There are dozens of circumstances under which Niagara Therapy can benefit you, whatever your age.
I've always been an active, independent person so you can imagine what a shock it was to suddenly find myself unable to even walk to the loo without holding onto someone's arm. But a minor fall with big consequences left me with a broken shoulder and on an 18 month waiting list for surgery. Between the need for 24/7 pain meds and a skewed sense of balance I ran the risk of a second fall and so needed to make a few drastic and quite limiting life changes.
The name Niagara is so ubiquitous we'd be hard-pressed to find anyone born in the last sixty years who didn't know it was the brand name of a reclining chair or adjustable bed with built-in massage features. So it isn't that I didn€t know about Niagara Therapy, it's that it didn't cross my mind straight away that it would hold any benefits for me. After all, I'm barely 60 myself and aren't these chairs and beds for old people?
But on one of those especially hot Australian summer days when I'd been feeling especially sorry for myself, I happened across a Niagara Adjustable Bed ad on the internet and started reading.
Much of the pain I was experiencing was not so much from the bone fracture itself as from the swollen joints and muscles in the area of the break. The circulation was so poor my arm and hand were continually swollen and I would find my fingers and elbow tingling.
I read about how Niagara Therapy all started in a coal mine, somewhere in Canada at the beginning of the 20th century with coal miners rubbing their sore backs against this piece of machinery - the vibrations apparently providing some relief - and thought hmm... that could work for me!
I used the website to find a local rep and booked a demo.
Niagara Therapy has so helped me through this difficult time - I'm still on the waiting list for surgery but the pain meds are down to as needed and I only reach for them when I do something stupid like bang my arm against a door jamb. My sense of balance is well restored enough that I have actually walked to the local shops alone.
If you think you're too young to benefit from Niagara Therapy products, think again. There are dozens of circumstances under which Niagara Therapy can benefit you, whatever your age.