Affiliate Marketing: How To Find And Promote Top Affiliate Marketing Programs
Before you jump in and start searching for an Internet marketing affiliate program, try using these affiliate marketing tips to locate the product you wish to sell on line first.
1st: Start with Finding the Top Affiliate Programs on the Internet:
To locate affiliate networks on line, go to any Google browser and type in the product name you are interested in, followed by a plus sign and the word "Affiliate".
Example: Type "Best Buy+Affiliate" in quotations.
If Best Buy has an affiliate program you'll find it on the results page.
Tip: Before you start your search, think about what products you would buy on-line, what are the things that interest you?
If you are a fisherman, research what's important to you as an angler. Go with what you know.
2nd: Only Apply to the Top Affiliate Programs:
Look for affiliate networks with high sales volume to ensure you will be paid your commissions. You can determine this by researching the results page on your browser after typing in the companies product you wish to promote.
What you want to look for is how many "Paid Ads" there are on the product.
Meaning, when you type in a search query on Google, the top 3 listings, and all the small ad listings to the right of the results page are sponsored ads. If the product you wish to sell on line is listed there, then it's a pretty good indicator of high affiliate marketing sales volume.
Tip: Before you apply to an affiliate marketing program, be sure they have a confirmed payout structure and offer affiliate training freely to their new members.
3nd: Have an Affiliate Marketing Strategy:
An affiliate marketing strategy starts with your product benefits.
Identify these benefits and make a list of them to start an on line marketing campaign designed around showcasing those benefits.
Once you have your products benefit list, try to determine what the most important questions would be about your product that you could answer from your benefits list.
Experienced affiliate marketers would use the benefits of their product in the title of their ad or article to capture the attention of the reader who has a question or concern about the product.
If your affiliate product is an MP3 player, would most people be concerned with how many files it can hold? How long is the battery life?
Could you then answer the readers questions in this way: "MP3 Player with 4 gig memory and Long Life Lithium Batteries" as a lead into your affiliate product?
Your marketing affiliate campaign should answer the readers concerns as quickly as possible.
Tip: Trained affiliate marketers will use Article Marketing to put their affiliate products in front of the masses. There's no cost involved and if done correctly, will put the affiliate marketers product in a position to sell on-line in front of thousands of potential customers.
Using these 3 tips to locate and promote affiliate products on line will jump start your on line marketing efforts and set you on the path to earning a residual income from affiliate marketing on line in no time.