Dental care at the early age
Dental and oral care as early as possible will determine the oral health to the end. Some of the teeth and mouth diseases can be experienced by children and infants if the dental treatment is not done well, such as the presence of holes on the surface of the teeth, inflamed gums, and sprue.
Tooth decay that generally occurs at the early age (children and infants) is usually due to the foods and beverages. The sweet and sticky foods like chocolate if are not promptly brushed will be left behind and causing tooth decay. Also drinks like tea, coffee, soft drinks, and cigarettes can cause a thin layer on the tooth called the stain, so that the color of the teeth become dull and brownish. A rough stain layer is easily attached by food remnants and germs, which eventually form a plaque. If it's not cleaned well then, it will harden and becomes tartar, and can spread to the roots of the teeth. As a result the teeth will bleed easily, easily shaken and dislodged. To perform daily dental care, you should equip your dental health with proper dental products for the children's teeth.
How is the treatment? Consider the following steps...
Get used to Brush the Teeth. Dental care can be started from infancy, this can be done by cleaning your child's teeth by using gauze or cotton which is rinsed with warm water, then gently rubbed on baby's gums. If the child is growing up, we as their parents have to help to introduce how to brush the teeth regularly. The Brushing ways that can be introduced is by providing learning about how to hold and brush the teeth. Familiarize children with a variety of dental supplies such as mouthwash, toothpaste, toothbrushes, dental floss and so forth, so that they will get used to clean the teeth with these tools.
Child's diet also should always be considered by parents, is the food consumed can damage the teeth or not. Do not be too often giving children a sweet foods like candy, chocolates, biscuits and foods that are sweet and easily attached to the gums. Foods like these will usually react in the mouth and eventually form acids that can damage the tooth enamel. The impact, such as cavities, tooth dislodged prematurely, disturbances on the size, shape and number of teeth. To prevent that, give fibrous foods, like vegetables and fruits, because these foods can be useful as a self-cleansing (cleansing) because requiring mastication process repeatedly.
If you really want to give sweet foods, like chocolate, candy, Biscuit or other sweet foods, should be at the right time, e.g. after lunch. After eating, the child was told to brush their teeth thoroughly.