How to Get Rid of Belly Fat - Why Diet Pills Make Your Belly Even Fatter and What to Do Instead
Do you hate your belly fat? Chances are that much of it is caused by too much stress, at least in part.
And ongoing stress is certainly going to help it stay right where it is.
And that's the reason why most diet pills make matters even worse.
Read on to find out why they do, and discover three tips for how to get rid of belly fat.
Often, if we follow the traditional dietary suggestions, particularly low fat diets for many of us, the fat stomach situation only gets worse.
And it gets worse even faster if we start taking those pills that are supposed to help us slim down.
Sure, the pills may seem to work for a few days, but you will quickly notice two very unfortunate things: a) They are likely to take fat off in places other than your belly while leaving your waist as thick as ever.
b) They quickly stop working and you'll get even fatter -- and guess where that new fat will go! Why? Because most of those supplements contain stimulants.
And if you're stressed, adding stimulants is the last thing you want to do.
Your body is already in fight or flight mode and biochemically primed to deposit fat in your midsection.
Add those stimulants, and you only increase that effect.
Meanwhile, how do you get rid of belly fat? Here are three things to get you started: a) Reduce stress Yes, reduce stress.
I'm sure this will elicit a wry laugh.
I know, it's hard, but if you want to reduce your abdominal fat, it's a must.
As long as you are stressed, your body will hold on to the fat it has because it thinks it must prepare for some upcoming famine.
b) Sleep more If you're stressed, you probably have trouble sleeping as well.
And not sleeping enough will also inspire your body to deposit fat around your waist.
So do what you can to fit in more of it, at the very least 7 hours of good quality sleep.
c) Banish trans fats One thing you must do immediately is banish trans fats completely.
They literally go straight to your belly, and make much of everything else you eat go there too.
Read labels and avoid eating anything that features hydrogenated (or partially hydrogenated) oils of any kind.
Just remember that trans fats will sabotage your efforts to get rid of belly fat and instead make your stomach even fatter.
And ongoing stress is certainly going to help it stay right where it is.
And that's the reason why most diet pills make matters even worse.
Read on to find out why they do, and discover three tips for how to get rid of belly fat.
Often, if we follow the traditional dietary suggestions, particularly low fat diets for many of us, the fat stomach situation only gets worse.
And it gets worse even faster if we start taking those pills that are supposed to help us slim down.
Sure, the pills may seem to work for a few days, but you will quickly notice two very unfortunate things: a) They are likely to take fat off in places other than your belly while leaving your waist as thick as ever.
b) They quickly stop working and you'll get even fatter -- and guess where that new fat will go! Why? Because most of those supplements contain stimulants.
And if you're stressed, adding stimulants is the last thing you want to do.
Your body is already in fight or flight mode and biochemically primed to deposit fat in your midsection.
Add those stimulants, and you only increase that effect.
Meanwhile, how do you get rid of belly fat? Here are three things to get you started: a) Reduce stress Yes, reduce stress.
I'm sure this will elicit a wry laugh.
I know, it's hard, but if you want to reduce your abdominal fat, it's a must.
As long as you are stressed, your body will hold on to the fat it has because it thinks it must prepare for some upcoming famine.
b) Sleep more If you're stressed, you probably have trouble sleeping as well.
And not sleeping enough will also inspire your body to deposit fat around your waist.
So do what you can to fit in more of it, at the very least 7 hours of good quality sleep.
c) Banish trans fats One thing you must do immediately is banish trans fats completely.
They literally go straight to your belly, and make much of everything else you eat go there too.
Read labels and avoid eating anything that features hydrogenated (or partially hydrogenated) oils of any kind.
Just remember that trans fats will sabotage your efforts to get rid of belly fat and instead make your stomach even fatter.