Unforgettable Tips to Becoming Debt-Free
We are all bombarded daily by a barrage of credit offers, balance transfer opportunities, and teaser rates that are sold to us as a "wise" financial decision by the powers that be.
Using a credit card for our day-to-day purchases has become so convenient and easy.
More so then ever, each one of us must create our own credit guide so as to become and remain debt-free.
Here are a few tips crucial to a debt-free life: 1) Make a budget and stick to it.
With a few exceptions, mostly lottery winners, no one finds financial success without a plan.
Just as a football team rarely wins without it's game plan, a debt-free existence never becomes reality without a well planned and executed budget.
2) Discipline, discipline, discipline.
Make due with what you have.
Buy only what you need.
And resist what you want.
Strict discipline now will equate to financial peace in the future.
3) Spend less than you earn.
A novel concept right? It's harder than one might think.
4) Pay yourself first.
Before spending any money on bills, put away 10-20% of your take home for savings/investing.
You will be amazed how easy it is to make the remaining 80-90% stretch.
5) Keep 6 months of living expenses stashed away for a rainy day.
If you have 6 months of living expenses saved away, when those tough times come you won't have to go into debt to pay for day-to-day expenses.
It is possible not to always worry about money.
Getting and staying out of debt is key to that worry-free financial path.