Eating Disorders - We Know What Triggers the Binge Purge Cycle - Now What?
So together, you and your daughter have identified one of the triggers for her binge/purge cycle.
Let's say this particular day it started when she was at the mall with a friend.
She saw her reflection in a store window and didn't like what she saw.
Now we look for the chain of events, thoughts, emotions and behaviors that followed it.
Imagine this process is like a literal chain with multiple links.
At one end is the first link, the trigger that gets the cycle going.
At the other end is the binge or purge behavior.
Every link in between are the thoughts, emotions and behaviors that lead up to the binge or purge.
What might some links in the chain be in this situation? When she saw her reflection the first thought was, "I look fat.
" This thought might be followed by the emotion of shame or worthlessness.
A behavior that follows this emotion might be refusing to eat anything for dinner.
Another link in the chain then will be her hunger later in the evening which set the stage for a binge.
The final link may then be purging because now she has to get rid of what she ate.
Please note I am just hitting the highlights here.
There can literally be 50 links or more in this chain from start to finish.
If the trigger occurred early in the day, consider how many thoughts, emotions and behaviors have happened since then.
I want you to realize that at any point in the chain, you and your daughter can intervene and stop the chain of events.
Over time you will be able to intervene more quickly.
The goal is to stop the cycle at its earliest point, right at the trigger point.
The other goal is for her to have the skills to identify it herself and take action.
Initially you may not interrupt the cycle at all.
When you and your daughter sit down to explore the chain of events, you may only see the progression looking back on it.
Hindsight is 20/20 as they say.
The next step is you will catch it during the binge or purge behavior itself though she may still follow it through to the end.
Next you may identify the cycle right before the eating disorder behavior occurs and gradually you will work your way back to where you can interrupt the cycle earlier and earlier.
The identification of triggers and intervention is a process and you must be patient.
It is difficult to see at first because your daughter's behavior is such a habit she will have to force herself to slow down and think about it.
This is one of the ways you can help her.
When you see she is restless, hanging around the kitchen, distressed in some way you can ask her if she is in her cycle.
You can then work together to interrupt it right where she is and work backward to identify the trigger.
You have to allow her to choose whether or not to break the cycle where she is in the chain.
Remind her, the goal is to break the chain as soon as she can and ask her if she is willing to do this now.
If she says no, see if she will talk about why she doesn't want to stop the cycle and sometimes talking through it will help her nip it in the bud.
If she says yes, ask her what she can do to distract herself.
Also ask her whether or not she needs assistance.
If she is resistant to change, hopefully over time she will become more willing to intervene at the earliest point in the cycle.
Your job is not to make the decisions for her but to educate her, point out opportunities to break the cycle and coach her through it.
Let's say this particular day it started when she was at the mall with a friend.
She saw her reflection in a store window and didn't like what she saw.
Now we look for the chain of events, thoughts, emotions and behaviors that followed it.
Imagine this process is like a literal chain with multiple links.
At one end is the first link, the trigger that gets the cycle going.
At the other end is the binge or purge behavior.
Every link in between are the thoughts, emotions and behaviors that lead up to the binge or purge.
What might some links in the chain be in this situation? When she saw her reflection the first thought was, "I look fat.
" This thought might be followed by the emotion of shame or worthlessness.
A behavior that follows this emotion might be refusing to eat anything for dinner.
Another link in the chain then will be her hunger later in the evening which set the stage for a binge.
The final link may then be purging because now she has to get rid of what she ate.
Please note I am just hitting the highlights here.
There can literally be 50 links or more in this chain from start to finish.
If the trigger occurred early in the day, consider how many thoughts, emotions and behaviors have happened since then.
I want you to realize that at any point in the chain, you and your daughter can intervene and stop the chain of events.
Over time you will be able to intervene more quickly.
The goal is to stop the cycle at its earliest point, right at the trigger point.
The other goal is for her to have the skills to identify it herself and take action.
Initially you may not interrupt the cycle at all.
When you and your daughter sit down to explore the chain of events, you may only see the progression looking back on it.
Hindsight is 20/20 as they say.
The next step is you will catch it during the binge or purge behavior itself though she may still follow it through to the end.
Next you may identify the cycle right before the eating disorder behavior occurs and gradually you will work your way back to where you can interrupt the cycle earlier and earlier.
The identification of triggers and intervention is a process and you must be patient.
It is difficult to see at first because your daughter's behavior is such a habit she will have to force herself to slow down and think about it.
This is one of the ways you can help her.
When you see she is restless, hanging around the kitchen, distressed in some way you can ask her if she is in her cycle.
You can then work together to interrupt it right where she is and work backward to identify the trigger.
You have to allow her to choose whether or not to break the cycle where she is in the chain.
Remind her, the goal is to break the chain as soon as she can and ask her if she is willing to do this now.
If she says no, see if she will talk about why she doesn't want to stop the cycle and sometimes talking through it will help her nip it in the bud.
If she says yes, ask her what she can do to distract herself.
Also ask her whether or not she needs assistance.
If she is resistant to change, hopefully over time she will become more willing to intervene at the earliest point in the cycle.
Your job is not to make the decisions for her but to educate her, point out opportunities to break the cycle and coach her through it.