Ski and Snowboard Shows
There is nothing like a ski show to get you stoked up for skiing. Here's a preview of what you'll find at most ski and snowboard shows:
- The latest and hottest skiing and riding videos
- Door prizes all day for free lift tickets, apparel and gear
- Major destination vacation drawing
- Representatives from ski areas large and small
- Indoor skiing or riding demonstrations
- Bargains on skis and gear
- Show only deals on lift tickets, season passes and ski vacations
- One or two skiing or riding stars
Boston Ski and Snowboard Expo
Apparently several thousand other people think the same way about ski and snowboard shows as I do, because at least that many people showed up at the Boston Ski and Snowboard Expo on the Saturday of the annual event that I attended.
The show opened at 10 am, but lines were formed at least an hour earlier waiting for the doors to open and nobody was disappointed when they did open. The show is a four day event and had been up and running Thursday and Friday evenings, but on Saturday the people manning the resort booths seemed just as excited as the ski fans streaming in.
Free Posters, Magnets, and Stickers
Having attended many a ski show, I knew right off to grab at least two of the large size plastic bags distributed at the entrance, in this case being offered by the Boston Globe. There are so many cool stickers, magnets, brochures, and posters being offered that it is easy to fill up at least two bags. A good idea is to keep all the posters rolled in one separate bag and everything else going into another, so the posters, if they become keepers for the wall, don't get too wrinkled.
Ski Equipment and Clothing Bargains
Many people were obviously there to take advantage of the equipment and apparel bargains, and when the doors opened they headed straight to the sales area. At the Boston show, the Ski Market chain store hosts a mega sale and there are some great bargains on ski and snowboard equipment, clothing and accessories.
I was perfectly content strolling the aisles and checking out the resort booths and comparing some of the many "Show Only" specials and discounts.
At all of the shows across the country that are held each autumn you will be sure to find resort displays sponsored and manned by ski areas from all over North America, Europe and sometimes the southern hemisphere.
Indoor Skiing and Riding
At most ski and snowboard shows or expos there will be some variety of indoor skiing or riding. At Boston, The Nor'easter SNOWDOWN Rail Jam was presented by Waterville Valley - big mountain action brought indoors!
DNA's Evolution indoor rail slide allowed some of the region's best freeriders and snowboarders to compete in a first-of-its-kind indoor competition between these freeride hot shots. The indoor rail jam, featuring snowboarders and freestyle skiers from local areas, is part of the nationwide DNA Evolution Tour and winners will compete in finals in Las Vegas.
Of course, you'll find a food area, many times made up like a ski lodge or on-mountain restaurant.
Experts on equipment and tuning man the manufacturers booths, professional ski and snowboard instructors and vacation specialists are in ample supply. Oh, don't be surprised to see a world-class athletes strolling about or signing autographs.
All in all, ski and snowboard shows are a great carnival event of winter sports and vacation displays and expertly fill the bill of getting us hyped for our first day on the snow.