The Things You Don"t Associate With Being Overweight - Acne
I have lived with both acne and being overweight for much of my life.
Both of these combined had a profound effect on my life, making me socially inept and shy away from many situations.
One thing that i noticed about my acne, something that all acne sufferers probably notice is the effect that the food we eat has on our skin.
Greasy, fatty foods made my skin break out more often then it otherwise would.
Healthy foods and water reduced the amount of breakouts.
Simply put, we all figure out that the food we eat is the main reason that acne pops out so often.
While the food we eat is a big part in why we break out, another thing that causes breakouts is being overweight.
Being overweight can be implicated in the reason we break out just as often as bad foods are.
Yet i did not even think about this.
I would say that most of us don't.
I came upon this fact after talking to some of my dermatologist friends.
After hearing their long winded and detail answer about hormones and blood and secretions and the brain and the kidneys, i sat down to think about what they said.
It made sense.
Acne is caused by a combination of factors.
Basically acne is the result of hypersecretion of skin gland products which the bacteria on our skin process.
This is what causes acne.
The reason that some peoples skin secretes too much is due to the factors; genetic factors, bad food and also being overweight.
Genetics is what codes for all our functions.
It is impossible to change so if you are eating healthy foods and you are not overweight and yet still have acne then treatment is simple.
You should use topical products that reduce the amount of secretion on your skin.
Bad food is the easiest cause to treat.
By only having bad foods now and again we can reduce the effect on our skin and reduce breakouts.
Being overweight is probably the hardest to treat but if you can beat it then you will be able to reduce acne to a minimum.
Visit my blog for more information on how each factor effects your skin and also what products to use to treat the various causes of acne breakouts.
I have personally tested each product and so i know that they work