True Democracy
Democracy is about the people determining what is best for their nation as a whole.
The people have the power and they must insure the unity and balance is not taken from them...
for this could happen unexpectedly.
Perhaps democracy is only a dream today, or more like an illusion; a ghost of what once was.
We believe in democracy, in America, because we want to.
In the same manner as a faithful person wants to believe in God.
The idea of a loving creator is nice to imagine, just like the idea of a political system uniting humanity and bringing an end to tyranny may also be a pleasant thought.
Seeking after philosophical ways of making logical sense in how a loving God governs a world like ours; people can debate for years on such an issue.
Neither side can prove though, without a shadow of a doubt that there is, or is not, a loving God.
How could people prove democracy is more than a dream today, more than an illusion? Like America, Rome was a Republic with democratic values.
The Roman model of governance inspired many political thinkers, and today's modern democracies imitate the Roman and Greek models.
The major difference from the Roman Republic model, (and one of the primary reasons our modern day democracy may be so flawed), is the fact our present political leaders are paid millions of dollars for being in their positions.
In ancient Rome the political leaders chose to serve their nation without payment.
They earned their money by other means while viewing their job as senators to be an honor, since they were able to serve those less fortunate.
In the days of the Republic, before Julius Caesar shook things up, the people knew the senators cared about helping to bring a balance to Rome.
The political, cultural, and economic forces which held the Roman Empire together were removed because of Economic fragmentation, eventually leading to the Dark Ages.
Following the economical mistakes made in Rome the empire continued to digress because of the crumbling of political, military, and other social institutions, along with invasions from outside peoples, and usurpers from within the empire.
The Roman Empire held onto their particular values in politics for a time, but eventually they allowed outside influences to change these values, and wash away the foundations of the Republic.
Rome started to lose their identity as others came in from foreign lands and started to change the Roman individuality.
In summary, the economy collapsed, outside influences started to change Rome, and eventually too many wars, attacks, and dependence on the crumbling government brought about the ultimate fall of Rome...
The loss of democratic values was subtle at first, and then by the time the people depended unequivocally upon the power of their leader, or government, their leaders had little to offer.
The damage from all the mistakes made in Rome drained the economy, and helped make the populace an ignorant people who depended too much on the "elite" for help.
Soon the Dark Ages followed after what was left of the empire crumbled...
Today America is the great empire, or as the world believes, the great democratic nation.
the march on Wall Street, the fact that more than six in ten Americans oppose the U.
war in Afghanistan, (according to a new national poll), the protests against government spending, and our government officials being unable to unite so as to solve our present economical woes; these problems should not face a properly ran democracy.
If the people want the issue resolved in a Democratic Nation, then the issue should be resolved, or else this is not a system of government based on the principle of majority decision making.
Instead of tyranny and a dictatorship, democracy provides opportunities for the people to control how their nation is ran.
The political "leaders" should work for the people, and the people can oust them without need for violence, or any sort of revolution.
Why are the people ignored today by their political leaders' in America? If the people declare, "we want to stop fighting.
We want the war to end", then the soldiers' should be brought home.
Despite the argument on whether something may be a good idea or a bad idea; the people determine what will be done.
For better or worse, they should receive what they demand, or else face the truth that they no longer live in a truly democratic nation.
If the leaders ignore what the majority want and they decide to do what they feel is best, (despite what the citizens want), then how can such a nation still be defined as democratic? The idea of democracy and the importance of this political ideal can be summarized in the word "unity".
Democracy is supposed to be about something bigger than one's self.
Democracy is bigger than ones culture, ones past, one's personal desires.
Democracy is supposed to be a balanced system where what is best for humanity as a whole is focused on instead what may be best for an individual or a group of a select privileged few.
If our motive is love for something greater than ourselves, no ingratitude will hinder us from serving our fellow man.
Democracy should be about love for humanity and equality.
There is an idea that one's love for self is most important.
Conclusively an individual will end up hurting themselves and those they love if they only depend on their selves.
Every individual is flawed and their emotions lead to more trouble.
Democracy was meant to unite a nation and preserve freedom and justice for all.
It's quite clear in our nation's history that the founding fathers' wanted those in our democracy to believe in something greater than self.
Sadly most live for themselves first in our nation today, and unity doesn't last...
A house divided will fall.
The people believe in democracy in America, because we want to...
Is this a democratic nation or a crumbling empire where the people place their allegiance in the leaders more than in the values their nation was founded upon? We are surely not united and balanced today.
The political leaders cannot even unite to fix our economic crises.
The people can't seem to unite and succeed in receiving what they ask for.
Is democracy an illusion, a ghost of what once was? Ultimately if democracy has failed in our nation, this is because we, the people, have failed our nation.