Diabetes Research and Information

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For years now countless billions have been spent on Diabetes research, and everyone who has been involved in this research hoped to be able to find the magical cure that would help all those that suffer with the dreaded diabetes disease.

Doctors have known for years about Diabetes and they know how to treat it. They know that it's the pancreas that begins to fail in the production of natural insulin. But have you asked yourself why the pancreas stops working in the first place?

I'm sure the drug companies that make all the medication for diabetics are laughing all the way to the bank as they know with the present trend things will get worse rather than better.

Diabetes information is clear cut and as you get older there's a good chance you will have some form of Diabetes that will drastically alter your life. It is also a fact of life that obesity is on the up as more people and children become overweight the more chance that they will become Diabetic.

Being a diabetic means that you have to monitor what you eat and should your situation become serious you will have inject insulin several times a day. Then you begin to live with the fear of having cardiovascular problems or maybe high blood pressure. It may be the case that you get kidney problems or liver failure, and then to cap it all your eyesight gets worse to the point you need new glasses every six months.

Going back to Diabetes research I did come across a website that asked the same question I asked earlier. Why does the pancreas stop working in the first place? Is it to do with pollution or preservatives or the lifestyle we lead? Perhaps it's the lack of exercise or those dreaded e numbers that everyone is talking about?

The person that gave the answer to that first question gave a very plausible answer saying that it was the actual food we were eating. Straight away my mind went into overdrive because this last few decades we have all been told that certain foods are good for you only to be told later the opposite.

He then went on to prove that with certain clinical tests his theory had indeed worked and that by altering the diets of chronic sufferers in many different types of diseases that the body could indeed heal itself from many medical conditions. He also explained that in some cases the healing process could be slow but a definite improvement could be seen.

This Diabetes research has also helped people with Cancer and Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's Osteoporosis and many more diseases that before have been proved to be incurable. For diabetic's they were able to drastically reduce their reliance on insulin all from watching what they ate.

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