Shoe Size Chart
There are many different shoe size systems that are used in the whole world. These systems differ in what they measure, and where the size positioned (what unit of measurement they use). It just consists of a number of the length because many shoemakers only provide a standard width for economic reason. Only a few systems also take the width of the feet into account. For e.g., Men's, children's, women's and safety shoes.
Foot length is measured with subject standing foot and the weight of the body equally distributed on feet. The length of a foot is commonly defined as the distance between two parallel lines that are perpendicular to the foot and contact with the most prominent toe & the most prominent part of the heel. Each size of shoe is considered suitable for a small interval of foot lengths. There inner cavity of a shoe must typically be 15€"20 mm longer than the foot but this relation varies between different types of shoes.
The shoe sizes of the left and right feet are often slightly different. Both feet are measured and purchasers of mass-produced shoes are advised to purchase a shoe size based upon the larger foot because contrary to the reality of foot sizes most manufacturers do not sell pairs of shoes in non matching shoe sizes.
There are three characteristic shoe size system can be:-
€For customers, this measure has the advantage of being directly related to their body measurements. It applies equally to any type form material of shoe. Therefore, this measure is less popular with manufacturers because it requires them to test carefully for each new shoe model for which range of foot sizes it is recommendable. They puts on the manufacturer the burden of ensuring that the shoe will fit a foot size.
€The length of the last the foot shaped template over which the shoe is manufactured. The measurement is the easiest one for the manufacturer to use. It identifies only the tool used to produce the shoe. It leaves all responsibility and risk of choosing the correct size with the customer. The last can be measured in several different ways resulting in different measurements.
€This measure has the advantage that it can be measured easily on the finished product. It will vary with manufacturing tolerances and provides the customer only very crude information about the range of foot sizes for which the shoe is suitable.