Walia Ibex

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In historical times C.
walie always seems to have had a very restricted range (Yalden & Largen, 1992).
This species is currently found only in the Lemalimo to Walia Kend-Silki sectors of the Simen Mts.
in north Ethiopia Categorical-discrete (CD) distribution model This species is strictly associated to montane escarpment areas with long-grass savanna, scrubs, trees and forests (Yalden & Largen, 1992; Nievergelt, 1981; Kingdon, 1997).
The walia ibex is a grazer and browser.
It eats bushes, herbs, lichens, shrubs, grass, and creepers.
The percentages of each of these was found by one study to vary from 30% (bushes) to 10% (creepers).
(Dunbar 1978) IUCN threat category Critically Endangered (CR: criteria C2b).
The habitat of the Walia Ibex is the High Semyen, Ethiopia's dramatic high mountain terrain.
In the earth's long history of violent geographical change, the most recent volcanic upheavals took place in eastern Africa, followed by torrential rains which created the thousand gushing waterfalls which in turn eroded away the newly formed mountain massif, creating the great gorges and gulleys which are so typical of the region.
South west of Axum the land descends gradually southwards toward the Takazze river.
At the lip of the gorge at about 1,400 metres (4,600 ft.
) one can look across the chasm to a similar plateau beyond.
On top of this plateau, adorned with steep turrets and bastions rising in three distinct steps, is perched the north wall of the Semyen.
The mountain massif is a broad plateau, cut off on the north and west by this enormous single crag over 60 kms.
(40 miles) long and 1,000-1,500 metres (3000-5000 ft.
) high.
To the south the table]and slopes gently down to 2,200 metres (7,000 ft.
) divided by deep gorges 1,000 metres deep and taking two days to cross.
Time has not yet been sufficient to soften the contours of the crags and buttresses of hardened basalt.
As far as the eye can see looking north from the escarpment, the fused volcanic cores stand starkly defying the elements.
Overhead stretches the vast dome of a sky of the deepest blue, which spreads downwards as clear as sapphire to the mauve of the horizon.
In this scenic splendour, lives the Walia Ibex; here and nowhere else in the world.
Forced by Man to retreat, and to retreat again, it has been driven in its extremity to inhabit the most inaccessible (except to a bird or a Walia), cliffs of the Semyen escarpment.
The Walia once existed in significant numbers probably several thousands in the highland massif, feeding on the cliff faces and coming up to roam the plateau at rutting time.
Large herds wandered unmolested on these chilly heights.
Even up to 50 years ago there were well over a thousand.
With the Italian aggression in Ethiopia, the species started its dramatic decline to the brink of extinction.
Guerrillas fighting the Italians and living off the country found the Walia a convenient source of meat.
Later, the local people again took i up arms against the Walia, killing perhaps five in order to reclaim the meat from one.
Most of them, whose wounded bodies spin and crash from the narrow ledges where they feed, into the abysses a thousand ieet or more below, are never recovered.
Rarely, a rope descent will bring to the surface the meat and parts of the skin, but the trophy, the splendid horns desired by locals to make drinking mugs, and by sportsmen to decorate their sitting rooms, are usually lost forever.
First recorded in 1835 by Ruppell, and first properly observed by Powell Cotton at the beginning of the century (l900), the Walia at that time was a mythical beast and little was known of its numbers and status.
The inaccessibility of its habitat combined with various historical events such as the Italian occupation and World War II, which made visits to the region out of the question for longish periods, has prevented the keepiug of a continuous record since then.
So until Leslie Brown made his preliminary study in the early sixties, little was known of its behaviour or habits.
A remnant of the early incursion of Palearctic fauna into the tropics, the nearest relative of the Walia is the Nubian Ibex (C.
There is a gap of several hundred miles of lowlands between the southern- most limit of the Nubian and the highland habitat of the Walia.
The Walia differs in being 1arger and more massive, with dark brown as opposed to pale brown fur.
The horns of the males are more massive but not quite so long, and have the knobs or ridges on the anterior surface reduced.
The Walia has a bony process on the forehead.
The anatomical differences together with the differences in habitat have lent weight to the argument that the Walia is a distinct species.
The terrain which the Walia inhabits is from 2,300- 4,000 metres (7,500-13,500 ft.
) but chiefly above 2,500 and below 3,000 (8,000-9,500ft.
The tiny remnant population which remains is now con- fined to a range of about twenty miles of the highest and steepest bays and buttresscs of the northern escarpment.
They are already extinct in all other parts of their range which once stretched from Byeda along the escarpment to Geech and Adis Gey.
The narrow vertical range which they tend to occupy today would seem to be the result of persistent hunting.
They have become extremely wary and shy and chosen to be not get-atable from top or bottom.
With protection maybe they will once again emerge on to the plateau.
Mountain sheep and goats have feet that are special- ly adapted for living in mountainous terrain.
Their hooves have sharp edges and the undersides are concave, enabling them to adhere somewhat like suction cups.
To watch even the youngest and smallest of the Walia kids gambolling about on slanted rocky ledges in a cliff face of terrifying steepness, a 500 metre drop only inches away, makes one catch one's breath with anxiety.
They never fall.
The males and the females both have horns, but the males' are more massive.
Curving back in a graceful arc to the withers they sometimes attain a length of over 110 cms.
The females are smaller in body and lighter in colour with shorter thinner horns.
They live in small parties of two to half a dozen and the big old males often live solitary except during the mating season.
Because of the rarity of the animal, it is not often possible to observe a large male and one feels privileged to do so.
The magnificent horns and striking colouration make it an unforgettable sight.
They are sturdily built animals standing about a metre high at the shoulder and weighing up to 120 kgs.
Their beautiful chocolate to chestnut brown coats shade to greyish brown round the muzzle, paler grey around the eyes, lower flanks, legs and rump, and pale grey or white on the belly and inside of the legs.
There is a black stripe down the outside of the legs and a white garter on each fetlock broken in the hind legs by a black streak into the cleft of the hoof.
Mature males sport an elegant black beard.
The tail is short with a brushlike tuft of black hairs.
You can usually observe them when come out on to the rocky ledges to sun themselves in the morning and evening.
Little herds of females and young are not uncommon, or even single females with a kid at foot.
Sometimes you will see a yearling group of young males which can be distinguished by their paler greyer colour and the thickness of their small short horns.
They eat grass and herbs, but prefer to to browse rather than graze, standing up on their hind legs like domestic goats to reach the tender shoots of giant heath.
There is no shortage of food, as inside the forest of heath there is abundant forage of herbs and sweet soft grasses.
They tend not to drink although water is plentiful; it is assumed that they get sufficient moisture from the green stuff on which they feed.
They usually lie up in caves or thickets during the day, although this is not an in- fallible rule and I have observed them at lunchtime - a group of youngsters playing in the sun.
The Walia's story is not yet ended.
In 1963 it was classified by the IUCN as in danger of extinction.
In that year the total number remaining alive was estimated at less than 200, probably 150.
Indiscriminate hunting and destruction of habitat by local people had combined to drive the few remaining animals on to the vertical cliff sides for survival- (Only four adult males have been taken since 1956 by legitimate shooting).
Fortunately before the end came the Ethiopian Government recognized the danger and, in 1965, drew up plans to establish a national park to protect both the habitat and its fauna, and the park was gazetted the same year.
It was found that numbers had remained steady for two years, indicating that with protection they might increase fairly rapidly.
Guards were appointed from Geech to Mietgogo to curb local poaching and illegal cultivation and burning of habitat.
In the past fifteen years, numbers have increased steadily, as the females are still ready and willing to breed in the caves in the cliff face.
At the present time, not less than 10% of the cliff surface is composed of broad ledges or green gullies in which Walia can feed.
Brown estimates that this amount of land space can support a population of two or three thousand.
The Walia has no natural enemies apart possibly from the occasional bird of prey, and thus with complete protection from Man they could be expected to recover their numbers and to double the present population in ten years.
At present it is still difficult to properly enforce the protection laws, and the local people cannot be expected to know that this animal exists only here.
Nor could they realize that it could be anticipated to generate a far larger income if allowed to live and breed, than its dead parts will ever earn.
It can only be hoped that the precipitous terrain in which the last survivors live will enable a nucleus herd to survive until such time as visitors from all over the world will be able to come and observe this rare creature in the magnificence of its mountain habitat.
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