Tips For Losing 5 Pounds a Week - How to Lose 5 Pounds a Week
If you are like me, you may be struggling to lose weight by now.
You even may have tried several methods of weight loss and failed miserably.
You may be discouraged and about to give up your goal altogether.
But wait! Don't be in a hurry to give up your goal without reading this article and thereafter visiting the web site given underneath.
Losing Weight is not impossible if you stick to a plan and follow through.
Don't give up just because you do not see instant results.
We are so accustomed to instant gratification that we tend to get discouraged if any program does not give instant results.
But take it from me, I have gone through this vicious cycle and know by experience that any program should be given sufficient time to produce results.
You can start your weight loss goal right now from home itself just by following the simple tips given below.
Cut Down on Your Carbohydrate Intake- While carbs such as white bread, potatoes, white rice etc, should be minimized if not, stopped altogether.
Instead eat more high quality lean proteins.
Fish and Chicken are examples.
This is a great start to drop unwelcome pounds.
Cut Down on Processed Food- Junk food has too many fats which is unhealthy if you are trying to lose weight.
Instead eat a lot of greens and whole grain.
Drink Lots of Water- Water helps in two ways.
One is by suppressing your appetite and other by helping increase your metabolic rate.
This in turn will help to burn body fat more efficiently.
Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
Moderate Exercises- Do moderate exercises 20 minutes a day and 3 days per week.
You do not need to do hard work outs.
Brisk walking, jogging, swimming is ideal.
You even may have tried several methods of weight loss and failed miserably.
You may be discouraged and about to give up your goal altogether.
But wait! Don't be in a hurry to give up your goal without reading this article and thereafter visiting the web site given underneath.
Losing Weight is not impossible if you stick to a plan and follow through.
Don't give up just because you do not see instant results.
We are so accustomed to instant gratification that we tend to get discouraged if any program does not give instant results.
But take it from me, I have gone through this vicious cycle and know by experience that any program should be given sufficient time to produce results.
You can start your weight loss goal right now from home itself just by following the simple tips given below.
Cut Down on Your Carbohydrate Intake- While carbs such as white bread, potatoes, white rice etc, should be minimized if not, stopped altogether.
Instead eat more high quality lean proteins.
Fish and Chicken are examples.
This is a great start to drop unwelcome pounds.
Cut Down on Processed Food- Junk food has too many fats which is unhealthy if you are trying to lose weight.
Instead eat a lot of greens and whole grain.
Drink Lots of Water- Water helps in two ways.
One is by suppressing your appetite and other by helping increase your metabolic rate.
This in turn will help to burn body fat more efficiently.
Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
Moderate Exercises- Do moderate exercises 20 minutes a day and 3 days per week.
You do not need to do hard work outs.
Brisk walking, jogging, swimming is ideal.