8 Ghoulishly Good Safety Tips for Halloween
Keep your ghosts, goblins, and fairy princesses happy this Halloween by keeping these safety tips in mind.
Dress up with style and safety in mind.
Costumes should be bright and reflective.
Consider adding reflective tape to costumes to help drivers see your little monsters on the road.
Make sure costumes and accessories (wigs, capes, etc) are flame resistant.
Try makeup instead of a mask.
Plastic masks are hot and can obstruct a child's vision.
Try non-toxic makeup instead.
Be sure to wash it off before bedtime to avoid any skin irritation.
Trick or treat the safe way.
Only go to homes with a porch light on and never enter a home or car for a treat.
A responsible adult should always accompany young children.
Older children should only walk a pre-approved route and return at a pre-arranged time.
Stay in a group.
Communicate with the group where you will be going and carry a cell phone for emergencies and last minute changes.
Light the Way.
All walkers should have their own flashlight.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics pedestrian injuries are the most common injuries to children on Halloween.
Delay eating treats until a parent has inspected the loot.
Although tampering is rare, only keep treats that are commercially wrapped, unspoiled and have no signs of possible tampering.
Many candy items can pose a choking hazard.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report 41% of choking emergencies in children under14 are caused by food items.
19% of all choking-related emergency department visits by children are related to hard candy.
5% are related to other specified types of candy (chocolate, candy, gummy bears, gum, etc.
) 7.
Carve with care.
Small children should never carve pumpkins and adults should take extreme care.
Think of alternatives such as drawing a face with markers.
If carved, candlelit pumpkins should be placed on a sturdy table away from flammable objects such as capes, long dresses, and other flowing costumes.
Prepare your home for little visitors.
Be careful with candles and open flame near your door.
Check your outdoor lights, sweep wet leaves from the sidewalk and pathway and restrain any pets so they do not inadvertently jump on or bite a Trick-or-Treater.
Don't stumble around in the dark.
If you have questions about medical symptoms or conditions, download iTriage from the iTunes or Android Marketplace for your iPhone and Android phone, or checkout iTriageHealth.
com on the web for your healthcare answers.
Dress up with style and safety in mind.
Costumes should be bright and reflective.
Consider adding reflective tape to costumes to help drivers see your little monsters on the road.
Make sure costumes and accessories (wigs, capes, etc) are flame resistant.
Try makeup instead of a mask.
Plastic masks are hot and can obstruct a child's vision.
Try non-toxic makeup instead.
Be sure to wash it off before bedtime to avoid any skin irritation.
Trick or treat the safe way.
Only go to homes with a porch light on and never enter a home or car for a treat.
A responsible adult should always accompany young children.
Older children should only walk a pre-approved route and return at a pre-arranged time.
Stay in a group.
Communicate with the group where you will be going and carry a cell phone for emergencies and last minute changes.
Light the Way.
All walkers should have their own flashlight.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics pedestrian injuries are the most common injuries to children on Halloween.
Delay eating treats until a parent has inspected the loot.
Although tampering is rare, only keep treats that are commercially wrapped, unspoiled and have no signs of possible tampering.
Many candy items can pose a choking hazard.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report 41% of choking emergencies in children under14 are caused by food items.
19% of all choking-related emergency department visits by children are related to hard candy.
5% are related to other specified types of candy (chocolate, candy, gummy bears, gum, etc.
) 7.
Carve with care.
Small children should never carve pumpkins and adults should take extreme care.
Think of alternatives such as drawing a face with markers.
If carved, candlelit pumpkins should be placed on a sturdy table away from flammable objects such as capes, long dresses, and other flowing costumes.
Prepare your home for little visitors.
Be careful with candles and open flame near your door.
Check your outdoor lights, sweep wet leaves from the sidewalk and pathway and restrain any pets so they do not inadvertently jump on or bite a Trick-or-Treater.
Don't stumble around in the dark.
If you have questions about medical symptoms or conditions, download iTriage from the iTunes or Android Marketplace for your iPhone and Android phone, or checkout iTriageHealth.
com on the web for your healthcare answers.