If God and the Bible Aren"t Welcome in American Court Rooms - How Can Justice Be Served
I saw two things that caused emotions to well up in me: anger, sadness and even laughter.
These things that I saw that day, like so many things all around us, are tell-tale signs of our extremely sick spiritual condition.
Many of us have hearts that are so darkened we are barely aware of the bottom line causes for the many ills that this nation has.
One event in this court of law struck me as particularly humorous.
In fact, wise people often chuckle at the way of fools conduct themselves, especially highly educated ones who act as if they have all the answers.
But, their answers so often standopposed to the Holy Scriptures.
You may ask why I have an element of sarcasm in my reproof.
I will tell you why.
Doesn't the Scripture say to answer a fool according to his folly? (Prov.
26:5) We have played the fool, America.
We have laid aside God's laws in many ways to take up the wisdom of this generation, which is not wisdom at all, but folly.
It used to be the practice in American courts that when a person was sworn in to testify in a court of law, that he would be instructed to place his right hand on the Bible and then he would promise to tell the whole truth so help him God.
Apparently the judicial system doesn't do this anymore (at least, this practice was not used the day that I was present).
The Bible was not even used and the person was asked.
Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, so help you?So help you what? I asked myself.
So help you, if you do not tell the truth an acorn will fall on your head, or a cloudburst will rain on you, or maybe lightning will strike you, or perhaps you'll get a flat tire? Maybe, for the evolutionist who do not believe in God we should say that Great Great Great Grandpa Monkey will come back and stick a banana in your ear! In the name of God and basic sense, what is wrong with saying "so help me God?" It is simply that so many will not admit the existence of God, nor will they admit that He can and will execute judgment upon the ungodly.
America, you think you can have justice without God.
To that I say, ha! ha! ha!He is a simpleton who thinks he can have justice outside of God.
Consider our own Supreme Court and their legalized mass murder of the unborn, or the continual coddling of the perverted and violent, throughout this nation.
America, the country where the "book" may be thrown at your for poaching a wild animal, but hey, kill your neighbor or especially your unborn child and there's no problem.
There is working among us a liberal movement that seeks to exclude the mention or influence of God from our borders.
Such was not the case when our nation was born.
Having just voted to accept the constitution, Samuel Adams was quoted as saying, "We have this day restored the Sovereign, to whom alone men ought to be obedient.
He reigns in heaven and from the rising to the setting sun, may His kingdom come.
" This, Mr.
Adams spoke in reference to the formation of our beloved United States.
This watchman says, turn to the Savior, America, as your founding fathers did.
Your rebellion, arrogance, and ignorance are showing.
No society can prosper without the law of God".
A watchman Consider: Pr.
1:20-33, Ps.
2:4, Ps.
24:1-2, Ps.
33:6, Ps.
95:5, Ge.
1-2, 1Co.
1:21, Ps.
100:3 Quotation taken from THE LIGHT AND THE GLORYpage 309