Best Way to Finance to Get Out of Debt
- 1). Compare your loan options. People have different options when it comes to consolidating debt. You could take out a line of credit or a home equity loan if you own your own home, or you could take out a personal loan if you still have good credit. If you're not sure about your options, talk to a bank representative.
- 2). Gather up all of your debts. You need to know what debt you have in order to pay it off. Take out all of your bills and add up the costs. This is the amount that you'll need to finance.
- 3). Apply for a loan. Talk to many different lenders about a loan to finance your debts. This will ensure that you get the best interest rates.
- 4). Use the money from the loan to pay off your debt. The loan company will deposit the amount into your bank account. You should immediately write checks to pay off all the other debts that you owe.
- 5). Apply all extra money toward your one loan. Now that you've consolidate your debt--hopefully with a lower interest rate--you can put all extra money that you have toward this debt to pay it off as quickly as possible.