Health Benefits of Rocking Chairs
The ailments that most of us suffer from can be greatly minimized in partaking in the back and forth motion of a rocking chair. It may be hard to believe, but it is true. The gentle rocking motion that the body undergoes as we follow the movement of the chair nourishes and revitalizes our bodies' cells and also increases circulation. Whether you are suffering from sleepless nights or hypertension, a regular sitting at the chair at a continuous rate for 20 minutes a day will help a great deal in easing these ailments.
Most of our ailments come from anxiety, and the rocking chair is the best source of relaxation for your stressed and tense body. Studies have revealed that chronic diseases like arthritis can be minimized by rocking, as it helps reduce the pain. The motion of the chair has a harmonic movement to your bones that keeps joints working and limber. If you have a recent awful back pain or even if you have been suffering for a prolonged time, a rocking chair can give you great support. It reduces the stress on the back by taking the pressure off your spine.
The natural angle of the chair reduces the stress level on the back to a great extent. Listening to soothing music while moving in the chair can even make you forget the operation that you had recently. The post-operative rocking was found to be highly beneficial if it can be done at a slow but steady rate for at least 40 mins regularly.
The list goes on with new findings but one thing is sure, we can spend thousands of dollars in treating a of number of diseases, or we can turn to this simple approach of rocking which in the end can save us a lot. Today, rocking chairs are not just for the elderly, but for anyone who needs a bit of welcome relaxation from a hectic life and who wants the health benefits as well.Â