Everyone Was Dying All Around You, How Did That Make You Feel? - Asked the Reporter
They race to scene to be the first to portray it all.
Okay so, let's talk.
On July 20, 2012 there was a terrible shooting in Colorado, when a young college PhD student decided to dress up like the Joker and show up at the opening premier of the latest Batman movie; "The Dark Night Rises" and dressed in all black, he launched his attack first with a smoke bomb inside the theatre, and then opened fire with an assault rifle, shotgun, etc - he killed 12 that day, leaving others critically wounded, 70 people in all were shot.
So, in essence it was the worst shooting in US history.
The news media couldn't help themselves and rounded up "endless" people who were victims, or witnesses to the event.
They asked them things like; "Everyone was dying around you, how did that make you feel?" "You saw your friend shot right in front of you, what was going through your mind?" "When you realized it wasn't a publicity stunt, and people started going down after being shot, were you scared, what were you thinking, what were you feeling at that time during that sheer terror?" I mean what on Earth is the person supposed to say? "It made me feel warm and wonderful inside, I just love the smell of napalm in the morning," I mean give me a break, it's like that Don Henley song; "Dirty Laundry," from the 80s.
How many times do we have to listen to these interviews on TV? Look, we get the idea already, but now with this lasting through the weekend news cycle, it's starting to sound like the US is just like the City of Homs in Syria, where the Assad Regime is shooting people, some rebels some not.
You know, this is going to hurt the movie industry something terrible over the next few months of summer, that's not good for Hollywood.
Then we'll have more gun laws instituted as well, something we don't need, and a call for more control over violence on TV, computer games, and Hollywood movies - quelling creativity, art, and we will lose more of our freedom and liberty to the mass hysteria, further incited by the media, as if this tragic event wasn't bad enough for everyone involved.
Indeed, I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.