Hurricanes and Travel Considerations
Several cruise lines were forced to divert or to different ports to avoid the hurricanes and even the United States Navy had moved some of its ships out of the way of last year's 2005 biggest hurricanes.
For those who had travel plans to go to Cancun or Cozumel in Mexico they know they had to rearrange their traveling schedule and it is good thing they did because those two cities were completely wiped out.
Anytime you are in an Atlantic tropical hurricane season in your traveling you need to consider alternative transportation methods and alternative routes to get you out of the way of a major hurricane with a large category attached to it or the remnants of hurricane as it makes its way through the country.
Even if you have tickets the airlines will stop flying at a certain point because it is unsafe to fly airplanes during take off and landings in super-high winds.
Additionally the pilot in the command may determine that the winds are too strong and he does not feel comfortable flying the plane.
I certainly would not want to get on an airplane were the pilot did not fill comfortable or safe due to whether; how about you?