How to Alleviate Sinusitis Symptoms
Millions and millions of people are suffering from Sinusitis.
The vast majority of those in pain are suffering in silence, at home doing the best they can to endure the pain until it goes away.
Is that how you deal with sinusitis? Millions are tired of going to doctors and being told there isn't anything that can be done about it, other than taking another round of antibiotics.
Sound familiar? Here is more bad news, this miserable condition appears to be growing at a rapid rate.
That means that many of those suffering are new to this condition.
Surely, we are creating a huge profit for the drug industries! In addition to lining the pocket of the drug industry, we are also sending hundreds of doctors kids to college and raising the costs of health care to boot.
Well, enough of the bad news.
The good news is that there are natural sinusitis remedies that really work.
There is no need to suffer the pain of inflamed sinuses that won't drain and are painful.
One little known remedy is as simple as increasing your intake of vitamin c.
There is an exact amount that you need to take if you want to relieve sinusitis symptoms, and interestingly enough, it isn't the amount that most doctor say we should take on a daily basis.
In fact, the US government recommends 60mg of vitamin C per day, barely enough to put you above deficiency, and certainly not enough to alleviate sinusitis or anything else for that matter.
Now I wonder why THAT is? Other vital components for fighting sinusitis infections include vitamin A.
Most of us know that vitamin A is great for your eyesight, but it also helps build healthy mucus membranes in your sinus cavity.
Again large quantities are required in order to overcome a sinus infection, but its well worth it, as the side affects are better eyesight and a stronger immune system! Another element to sinus health is zinc.
Zinc is a pop star when it comes to boost your immune system, it can even cut the duration of the common cold in half.
In fact, sinus infections often start out as a simple cold and then evolve into full blown (no pun intended!) sinusitis.
Zinc has anti inflammatory properties and is vital for healthy cell development.
It helps ensure that the cell membranes are strong.
It also supports the immune system.
One thing to keep in mind with zinc is that the body can't store up a supply of zinc, so you'll need to make sure that you get the right amount on a daily basis.
Many different types of foods are good sources of zinc, for example, cooked oats, cereals, liver, oysters, eggs and also peanuts! So, eat your way to good sinus health!
The vast majority of those in pain are suffering in silence, at home doing the best they can to endure the pain until it goes away.
Is that how you deal with sinusitis? Millions are tired of going to doctors and being told there isn't anything that can be done about it, other than taking another round of antibiotics.
Sound familiar? Here is more bad news, this miserable condition appears to be growing at a rapid rate.
That means that many of those suffering are new to this condition.
Surely, we are creating a huge profit for the drug industries! In addition to lining the pocket of the drug industry, we are also sending hundreds of doctors kids to college and raising the costs of health care to boot.
Well, enough of the bad news.
The good news is that there are natural sinusitis remedies that really work.
There is no need to suffer the pain of inflamed sinuses that won't drain and are painful.
One little known remedy is as simple as increasing your intake of vitamin c.
There is an exact amount that you need to take if you want to relieve sinusitis symptoms, and interestingly enough, it isn't the amount that most doctor say we should take on a daily basis.
In fact, the US government recommends 60mg of vitamin C per day, barely enough to put you above deficiency, and certainly not enough to alleviate sinusitis or anything else for that matter.
Now I wonder why THAT is? Other vital components for fighting sinusitis infections include vitamin A.
Most of us know that vitamin A is great for your eyesight, but it also helps build healthy mucus membranes in your sinus cavity.
Again large quantities are required in order to overcome a sinus infection, but its well worth it, as the side affects are better eyesight and a stronger immune system! Another element to sinus health is zinc.
Zinc is a pop star when it comes to boost your immune system, it can even cut the duration of the common cold in half.
In fact, sinus infections often start out as a simple cold and then evolve into full blown (no pun intended!) sinusitis.
Zinc has anti inflammatory properties and is vital for healthy cell development.
It helps ensure that the cell membranes are strong.
It also supports the immune system.
One thing to keep in mind with zinc is that the body can't store up a supply of zinc, so you'll need to make sure that you get the right amount on a daily basis.
Many different types of foods are good sources of zinc, for example, cooked oats, cereals, liver, oysters, eggs and also peanuts! So, eat your way to good sinus health!