Warning - Excessive Amounts of DHT Hormone Will Cause Balding

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The one hormone which is responsible for the vast majority of cases of balding is DHT or dihydrotestosterone.
In fact it is thought that this obscure androgen hormone is responsible for over eight out of ten cases of balding and thinning.
In order to better understand exactly how the DHT hormone works its essential to understand the ins and outs of how hair grows.
Would you believe that a healthy vibrant human scalp is filled with over 100,000 hairs each emerging from a small pouch like sac called a follicle? In some ways it is difficult to comprehend that what was once a fertile area of hair growth and hair replacement has now turned into a barren dessert with only DHT hair left.
  A healthy human scalp hair grows about 6 inches per year with each healthy hair having a life expectancy or growth phase of from 4 to 5 years.
Once the growth phase has been completed the hair rests and then falls out making room for new healthy growth.
Believe it or not this intricate process is happening daily right on top of your head with somewhere between 50 and 100 scalp hairs being lost and replaced.
But an accumulation of the DHT hormone can change this happy healthy balance to a point where balding and thinning gets out of control leading to a dramatic change in appearance.
When this happens testosterone comes in contact with a hair mediating enzyme called 5 alpha reductase type 2 which resides deep within the hair cell.
When this unfortunate interaction occurs testosterone is converted to dihydrotestosterone or DHT hormone or as it is known is some circles the hair loss hormone.
  Over a couple of hair replacement cycles an accumulation of DHT starts to occur leading to a change in the hair replacement cycle which has been keeping our precious locks looking good.
At this point more hair will be lost than replaced, the appearance of the hair will be unhealthy, the growth phase will be shortened, the resting phase lengthened and some follicles will actually shrink causing them to become incapable of producing new hair growth.
This condition is medically known as androgenetic alopecia and commonly referred to as male or female pattern baldness.
When the only hair left is DHT hair and the DHT hormone continues to accumulate is just a matter of time until this progressive androgen driven condition turns that once beautiful head of hair into nothing more than a barren wasteland where healthy hair will not naturally grow.
So steps must be taken to block the DHT hormone and transform DHT hair into healthy hair.
What Next? There are some excellent products specifically designed to block the DHT hormone and reverse DHT hair.
Not only do they contain FDA approved ingredients which have been shown to block dihydrotestosterone they also work to stimulate the scalp and bring dead follicles back to life.
These hair regrowth products can be used as a preventative tool, starting the program before hair loss becomes severe, or you can use them after DHT has already begun to take hold of your hair and scalp.
It is important to point out that the earlier you recognize and address the problem the better your chances are of establishing new and healthy regrowth.
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