Swine flu - Prevention And Treatment

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The swine influenza A (H1N1) is a viral infection that originated from pigs and was first isolated from pigs in the 1930s.
  1. Basically, this flu is passed from one person to another like any cold or flu infection.
  2. The swine flu is diagnosed when a   physician suspects infection, and sends a nasopharyngeal swab (a Q-tip of shorts placed about 2 inches in your nose towards your throat) in a special viral collection container to a special lab to be tested. . Symptoms of all types of influenza, flu or swine flu usually appear following an incubation period of one to four days after initial exposure, and run their course over a period of seven to 10 days. The elderly, the very young, and the chronically ill are at increased risk of potentially serious complications such as bacterial bronchitis and pneumonia.

Prevention of Swine Flu
  1. Also, avoid contact with sick people whenever possible. If you are sick, stay home.

Use alcohol based hand sanitizers to minimize infection risk.  Some also use the Wein Air Supply Personal Air Purifier to help reduce exposure to airborne germs.  Further, we know that eating healthy food, getting plenty of sleep and keeping your immune system strong can help prevent infections.  Vitamin D supplementation may also be of benefit when taken in adequate doses.

Treatment of Swine Flu

Get plenty of bed rest, preferably in a warm, well-ventilated room. Take over the counter pain relievers to ease aches and reduce fever. Drink plenty of fluids to keep mucus secretions thin and easy to expel. Drink warm liquids or gargle with salt water to alleviate sore throat.

If you contract the swine flu, there are 2 flu medications, which can be helpful.  The CDC recommends the use of oseltamivir (Tami flu) or Zanamivir (Relenza) for the treatment and/or prevention of infection with swine influenza viruses.  These medications can also be used for the usual avian influenza. Symptomatic care is most important.  Antibiotics will not help.  Ask your doctor about your options.  Those at high risk should strongly be considered for treatment with medications.  High-risk patients include those with diabetes, heart disease, immune compromised, and seniors over age 65.

Last June 12, a new vaccine was apparently produced by Novartis Pharmaceuticals.  If you did receive a flu vaccine this year, it will not offer you protection against the swine flu. Baxter Pharmaceuticals however issued a press release saying they are working on a vaccine also. Whether these will prove to be effective is unknown. In 1976, the swine flu vaccine actually killed more people that it helped.

All prevention and treatment above are incomplete without this. A powerful and revolutionary alternative therapy. Make this one a part of your arsenal against the swine flu virus.

Madison Cavanaugh, author of “The One-Minute Cure: The Secret to Healing Virtually All Diseases” has a message of hope, however. She insists that the fear is incorrectly placed on the swine flu virus itself.  “Microbes, germs, harmful bacteria and viruses, such as the swine influenza virus, do not cause disease in and of themselves,” she states.

They do seek their natural dwelling place such as an oxygen- deficient body rather than being the cause of the disease. It’s no different from the way mosquitoes seek out stagnant water, but do not cause the pool to become stagnant.

Therefore it can be stated that the swine flu virus does not cause disease, but rather seeks out an environment where it can thrive best and that is in oxygen-deprived bodies.

A sufficiently oxygenated body is uninhabitable by disease, Madison further states, any viruses’ can neither survive nor thrive in it. Therefore, the best defense against microbes, germs, harmful bacteria and viruses, such as the swine flu virus, is to keep the body oxygenated.

The one minute cure presents the therapeutic use of the only natural substance which activates the movement of oxygen atoms from the bloodstream to the cells to a dramatically greater degree than is usually reached by other means.

This therapy creates an oxygenated environment that enables the body to cure itself of virtually all sickness and diseases ranging from influenza to cancer, AIDS, heart disease, asthma, diabetes and arthritis and etc.

The natural oxygenating substance which is the central theme of the book has a long history of therapeutic use dating back 170 years ago when it was used to reverse a wide variety of illnesses from minor ones like colds and flu to serious ones like cholera and malaria.  It was even used to help stop the Spanish Flu of 1918.

In the last 70 years, this safe, inexpensive and powerful healing modality has been administered by an estimated 15,000 European doctors, naturopaths and homeopaths to more than 10 million patients to successfully treat practically every known disease.

This therapy can be self administered at home in less than a minute, and it is so inexpensive.  Therefore, it costs so little to become immune to the swine flu virus and virtually all diseases.

If you haven’t already obtained a copy of “The One-Minute Cure,” the dramatic spread of the swine flu virus is one of the best reasons for you to do so. Go and click the link now and watch the 5minute video presentation for final assessment and you will discover that this is one the best alternative swine flu – prevention and treatment.

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