Updated June 09, 2015.
Anemia is very common during pregnancy. We try and ward it off by prescribing iron tablets, this can be ineffective and actually cause other problems. However, there are times when we check for anemia that aren't appropriate. We tend to want to check for anemia right after an expanse in blood volume. When this occurs it will take a bit for the red blood cells to "catch up" to the rise in volume. This can look like anemia, when it's really not.
Here are some other methods of getting the iron you need.
Eat lots of iron rich foods (liver, leafy greens, beets, oysters, heart and tongue) Avoid caffeine, it prevents absorption of iron Avoid excessive bran, alkalinizers and phosphates, they inhibit absorption Drink something with vitamins C with your iron supplements (tablets or herbal), Vitamin C aids in the assimilation Cook with cast iron Good herbal sources of iron: Parsley, Nettles, Amaranth greens, Dandelion root, and Kelp Yellow Dock root
Anemia is very common during pregnancy. We try and ward it off by prescribing iron tablets, this can be ineffective and actually cause other problems. However, there are times when we check for anemia that aren't appropriate. We tend to want to check for anemia right after an expanse in blood volume. When this occurs it will take a bit for the red blood cells to "catch up" to the rise in volume. This can look like anemia, when it's really not.
Here are some other methods of getting the iron you need.