HPV Virus in Men
- Men who have HPV may not display any of the symptoms associated with HPV. However, they can still infect any sexual partners with the virus.
- Many men who are infected with HPV are able to get over the infection and clear it from their bodies within a period of two months. Other men may carry a dormant strain of the virus in their bodies for years.
- The easiest way to determine whether or not a man is infected with HPV is to undergo a round of STD testing. A doctor will be able to check if a man has HPV or any other STD.
- Although men are not at risk for cervical cancer, being infected with HPV may increase the likelihood that they will develop rare genital cancers.
- HPV is easily preventable through avoiding direct genital contact with anyone who is infected with the virus. Once the virus has been contracted, most doctors will treat the symptoms of the disease because there is no cure for HPV.
- Some men may display no symptoms of HPV, while others may develop genital warts. In rare cases, HPV may increase a man's chances of developing genital cancer.