What You Need To Consider Before Getting A Bark Control Collar
A vet should check your dog first. Before you snap on a collar, you should make sure that your dog's behavior is not due to a medical or psychological condition. Excessive barking may be your dog's way of telling you that he is sick, afraid or depressed. A collar may not be the right solution in these situations. Knowing the exact cause of your dog's barking can help you determine the appropriate mode of intervention.
Your vet may require the use of a collar. In case your dog does need to have an anti bark collar, you should get one fit for your dog. Collars and their settings correspond to certain ages and weights. Using a collar on a dog that is too young and lightweight can be potentially dangerous. Some collars are also breed specific. In general, collars are usually more effective on small, less hairy dogs.
Should you decide on getting your dog a collar, choose one that fits your dogs physique perfectly. Even if a collar has an adjustable strap, it may be uncomfortable for a small dog to have extra leather hanging over. If you aren't sure about the collar length of your dog, you can get an anti bark unit that slips on ordinary collars. This is a good option since your dog is already comfortable with his own collar.
A collar should detect vibration. A bark control collar works by administering the corrective method after a series of barks. A unit however that is triggered only by sound is never a good product because other sounds can trigger the corrective mechanism. Aside from detecting sound, a collar should also be able to detect the vibration of a dog's vocal cords to ensure that correction is necessary.
You have the option of getting one with adjustable controls. This is especially if you plan to get a shock collar. Some electric shock emissions may be too strong for certain dog types and sizes. It would be ideal to have a collar that you can set at a very low shock level for small dogs or for initial collar use in big dogs. Aside from adjustable levels, an ideal collar should also administer corrective emissions only after a series of several barks. This is to give your dog a chance in case barking is not at all excessive.
There are some critics of the device that say that electric shock type collars are inhumane. If you have doubts about using a shock collar, you can try using a citronella spray collar or an ultrasonic collar first. Consider shifting to a shock collar only when either of the two is ineffective.
A bark control collar can give you peace. Moreover, it can help improve your relationship with your neighbors. You have to make sure though that you are able to pick the most appropriate collar for your specific dog.