5 Ways to Avoid Temper Tantrums from Your Child
1. Beginning at around six months of age, you can begin to teach your child baby sign language. If your child is able to communicate his needs to you, he won't resort to a screaming meltdown. Baby sign language is a fairly new concept, but there are many books and articles you can research to learn how to effectively teach your child basic communication skills.
2. Pay attention to your child when he speaks to you, and praise him often for good behavior. Temper tantrums can simply be a demand for attention. If he isn't getting positive reinforcement for good behaviors, he will turn to bad behaviors since he knows that will always get a reaction.
3. When your child throws a tantrum in public, do not give in just to avoid stares and embarrassment. If you give in once, your toddler will remember and try it again in the future. Although it may take time and patience, eventually your child will realize that he has no control over the situation.
4. When your child is in the middle of a temper tantrum, it can be frustrating. Do not resort to violence. Yelling and spanking will not calm your child down quicker. When he is upset, he needs your comfort and love more than anything. However, your child causes damage to himself, others, or your home, he needs to know that the behavior will not be tolerated. Carry him to his room and tell him that he can come out when he calms down.
5. One of the best ways to avoid temper tantrums is to have a predictable schedule. If you must deviate from your schedule, discuss the changes with your toddler in advance. Generally, young children do not appreciate change, and it may cause tantrums. If you have a busy day planned, make sure your child gets a nap. When you go out, always carry healthy snacks and water. If your toddler is tired or hungry, he will be irritable.
While temper tantrums are a normal part of life with a toddler, they can be managed. With a lot of patience and the ability to comfort your child, you can help him remain in control of his emotions.